Browse Museums

Bellaire Toy and Plastic Brick Museum
Bellaire, Ohio

Children's, General, History, Science, Specialized

Our vision is to show the there is creativity, science, and more taught through the building and planning of a project while using Lego. Lego is a toy yet now used in teaching classes for the young minds of the world to grow. You are never to old to learn on your own or those in history.

Butler-Clear Fork Valley Historical Museum
Butler, Ohio

General, History, Historical Society, Library

The society and its museum is a big accomplishment for a small town (population 900), initiated and supported almost exclusely by local interest and donations. It has a beautiful, modern building full of exhibits.We welcome everyone. We are working for increased accessibility and outreach programs. Next year, two goals are improving use of our log cabin and recognizing the 150th anniversary of the Civil War with research, exhibits and programs.

Cambridge Glass Museum
Cambridge, Ohio

Art, General, History, Science, Specialized

The museum features over 6,000 pieces of glassware made by the Cambridge Glass Company, with an interpretive area demonstrating how glass was made from gathering, shaping, etching, and engraving. The Sample Room features the door and shelving from the original factory, and a dining room display features a table setting arranged on period furniture much as it would have appeared in the early 1900s.

Cleo Redd Fisher Museum
Loudonville, Ohio

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Library

The Cleo Redd Fisher Museum serves the great Mohican area as a source for research, learning, and historical discussion. The museum provides the history of the communities, peoples, and cultures of the Mohican area. Exhibits range from detailed sources of information regarding specific events, persons, or businesses such as the Flxible Company and Charles Kettering, to more generic "period" rooms such as our Victorian parlor. The museum also operates the Workman Cabin in Central Park.

Decorative Arts Center of Ohio
Lancaster, Ohio

Art, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Library

The Definition of Decorative Art: Sometimes known as functional art – a term that embraces all artistic works created for both use and decoration. It includes work by skilled artisans, in metal, stone, wood, and glass as well as textiles including quilts, coverlets, and tapestries. The term also refers to those aspects of interior design subordinate to architecture, including molded plaster work, wallpaper, furniture, and draperies. Personal objects such as jewelry, tools, and costumes are considered to be part of the decorative arts as well. Any and all art works with a sense of design fall under the decorative arts and are the wonderful things that we live with and look at every day. The Center also features contemporary work by artists who use the traditional decorative arts media.

Goshen Township Museum and Historical Society
Goshen, Ohio

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society

Now the home of the Goshen Township Historical Society, it was the Hawkins family who christened the house "The Anchorage" during their residence in the 1940's. The house' history, however, began more than 100 years earlier as a humble farmhouse. In fact, The Anchorage is one of four stone houses built in the area at about the same time. Today only three remain.

Industrial Heritage Museum of Miami County
Troy, Ohio

Culture, General, History

Mad River & NKP Railroad Museum
Bellevue, Ohio

General, History, Historic House, Specialized

Bellevue, Ohio has been a major rail town since its humble beginnings and the Mad River & NKP Railroad Museum has been preserving and celebrating eastern Ohio’s culture and heritage since 1976. Visitors to our museum will enjoy exploring our vintage, life-size trains, a walking tour of our historic exhibits, and more!

Meigs County Museum
Pomeroy, Ohio

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society

Historical displays; programs; special events for adults and children. Extensive Meigs County history and genealogical research library.

Museum Post Office Conference and Events Center
Lebanon, Ohio

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Specialized

It seems that about every 20 years, the museum has outgrown its facilities and finds itself in desperate need of expansion. Because the museum building is land-locked, expansion of Harmon Hall was not an option. So in 1998, the historical society purchased the former Lebanon Post Office next door to Harmon Hall. It will provide the needed space in which to continue the tradition of presenting, preserving and storing one of the finest county museum archival and three-dimensional collections in the United States. Renovation began soon thereafter. In 2009 the main room of thePost Office was upgraded with new windows, drapes, new counterwork, a kitchen was installed, additional overhead lighting was installed, the floor was refinished and the room was repainted.

Brukner Nature Center
Troy, Ohio

General, History, Library, Natural History, Nature Centers, Science

Come enjoy live native Ohio wildlife exhibits, interactive educational displays, nature shop, bird vista, the 1804 Iddings Log House, 165 acre nature preserve with over 6 miles of trails, night hikes, preschool programs, summer camps, & scout programs. We also rehabilitate native Ohio wildlife and release back to their natural environment.

Caesar's Creek Pioneer Village, Inc.
Waynesville, Ohio

Children's, General, History, Historic House, Park

Come and enjoy a step back in time as you tour the historical Caesar's Creek Pioneer VIllage. Pick up a self guided tour at any of our cabins for additional historical information regarding our cabins.

Cardboard Boat Museum
New Richmond, Ohio

General, Specialized

The worlds only museum for the promotion, design and building of boats built out of carboard, duct tap and paint. the boats are crewed by one to 6 people and are human powered.

Daniel Hertzler Housse Museum
Springfield, Ohio

General, History, Historic House, Library, Park

The Daniel Hertzler House Museum offer visitors a glimpse of Clark County's history through the eyes of an early entrepreneur. Hertzler was Mennonnite farmer who came to Ohio from Lancaster, PA. and amassed a large fortune through several mills, lending money, and farming over 1000 acres.His 1854 bank-style house is filled with antiques of the pre-Civil War era including many items that belonged to the Hertzler family. Two portraits, painted by renowned artist Jerome Uhl are featured in the house.

Fulton County (OH) Museum and Fulton County Historical Society
Wauseon, Ohio

Anthropology, Archaeology, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Military, Park

Currrently, a special exhibit, "Hell & Homefront: Civil War Through Fulton County Eyes" will be on display through 2015 for the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War.

Heritage Information Center
Canton, Ohio


Kettering-Moraine Museum & Historical Society
Kettering, Ohio

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Specialized

Founded in 1962, the Kettering Moraine Museum and Historical Society was dedicated to the organization, collection and preservation of historical artifacts and memorabilia from the Kettering and Moraine areas. In addition to the artifacts, historic buildings have been donated and moved to the Museum site over the years. Originally the museum was managed by a dedicated director and an active group of volunteers and was open to the public on a regular schedule. Due to health issues of the director and declining Society membership, the Museum Society was disbanded in 2008.

Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
Beachwood, Ohio

Culture, General, History

The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage is a lively community space that attracts students, adults and groups from the community and around the country. Devoted to diversity and tolerance, it opened in 2005 with a simple mission: to build bridges of tolerance and understanding by sharing Jewish heritage through the lens of the American experience. The stories of individuals and families - past and present - come to life through state-of-the-art exhibitions, interactives and films, oral histories, photographs and artifacts. The Museum includes The Temple-Tifereth Israel Gallery, an internationally-recognized collection of Judaica, and a special exhibition gallery featuring important exhibitions of national and international acclaim.

Museum of Postal History
Delphos, Ohio

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society

Our mission is to educate the public on how our society has been influenced and evolved (both educationally and technologically)by having a mail service. We seek to show the power of the written word through exhibits about global expansion, immigration, the Holocaust, and world wars.

National Aviation Hall of Fame
Dayton, Ohio

Culture, General, History, Library, Military, Specialized

The National Aviation Hall of Fame opened the doors to its permanent home to the public January 8, 2003. Founded in 1962 and chartered by congress in 1964 the Hall of Fame honors America's air and space pioneers. A cast of dignitaries and Hall of Fame enshrinees turned out, including Astronaut Joe Engle, 2001 enshrinee, test pilot Joe Kittinger, 1997 hall of famer, and test pilot Scott Crossfield, a 1983 honoree. Zoe Dell Nutter, co-chair of the NAHF Board of Nomations, who with her late husband, Ervin, founded the hall's endowment, gave a brief speech and helped snip the ribbon. The NAHF is adjacent to the U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida