Updated: 3/3/2012 
Brukner Nature Center
Troy, Ohio

Come enjoy live native Ohio wildlife exhibits, interactive educational displays, nature shop, bird vista, the 1804 Iddings Log House, 165 acre nature preserve with over 6 miles of trails, night hikes, preschool programs, summer camps, & scout programs. We also rehabilitate native Ohio wildlife and release back to their natural environment.


Brukner Nature Center is a non-profit, privately funded organization promoting the appreciation and understanding of wildlife conservation through education, preservation, and rehabilitation.


In 1933 Clayton Brukner, owner of the WACO Aircraft Company, bought 146 acres of land along the Stillwater River. The land was not known for its productivity but rather for its natural beauty. Here were wooded hills and valleys, a great variety of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers, streams and perpetually flowing springs.

r. Brukner envisioned the land being used for a nature center for many years. In 1966 he had the land surveyed and after receiving high praise to the educational potential he started putting his plan into motion. In 1967 he unveiled his plans for the center to a group representing 12 local schools and one local university. In 1974 the center was opened to the public under the direction of Bob and Joan Heidleberg.

Through the years Brukner Nature Center has grown to a 165 acre nature preserve dedicated to environmental education and wildlife rehabilitation. Six miles of trails traverse a variety of habitats including wetland, forest, and prairie. The Interpretive Building houses an Auditorium and meeting rooms available for educational events, a nature shop featuring local artists, and wildlife exhibit, including over 40 wildlife ambassadors. Also on site is the 1804 Idding's log home, the oldest structure in Miami County on its original site, and a wildlife rehabilitation unit to educate people with concerns about Ohio's wildlife.


We offer many educational programs to meet your personal needs.


Access: Members

Appointment required: False

Birthday Parties

Brukner Nature Center is a great place to have a birthday party! From romping in the woods to checking out our eagle and opossums, BNC is great fun for all ages. Our birthday party special includes the use of our downstairs classroom, which includes tables and chairs, and a live animal talk! Party fee of $25 for members and $40 for non-members, includes a 30-minute Animal Talk and use of facilities. There is a maximum of 15 children participants for the Animal Talk. Additional participants require an additional animal talk and doubling of the program fee.

Birthday Party Animal Talks at someone's home costs $45 for members and $50 for non-members plus $.50 per mile traveled.

Shop online at our website

Shop online and support Brukner Nature Center! We've partnered with OnlineNatureMall to give you added shopping while still benefiting BNC. Brukner Nature Center received 10% of the proceeds from the sales. Choose from thousands of items, including bird feeders, nature and garden books, binoculars, children's books and educational toys, telescopes, software and other nature items prefect as gifts and delivered to your door.

Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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