Updated: 9/7/2011
The National Aviation Hall of Fame opened the doors to its permanent home to the public January 8, 2003. Founded in 1962 and chartered by congress in 1964 the Hall of Fame honors America's air and space pioneers. A cast of dignitaries and Hall of Fame enshrinees turned out, including Astronaut Joe Engle, 2001 enshrinee, test pilot Joe Kittinger, 1997 hall of famer, and test pilot Scott Crossfield, a 1983 honoree. Zoe Dell Nutter, co-chair of the NAHF Board of Nomations, who with her late husband, Ervin, founded the hall's endowment, gave a brief speech and helped snip the ribbon.
The NAHF is adjacent to the U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
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