Browse Associations

Alabama Museums Association
Birmingham, Alabama

State Associations

The AMA member institutions are an amazing collection of places where one will discover the story of our great state and its people. Whether you're looking for the birthplace of Helen Keller, artifacts from our first inhabitants - the Native Americans, the finest collection of Wedgewood outside of England, an historic Frank Lloyd Wright home, or a replica of the bus on which an action to change the world took place, there's something here that will inspire you, too.

American Association for State and Local History
Nashville, Tennessee

National Associations

Almost one hundred years after the first organization was created to serve and support the burgeoning field of state and local history, AASLH is providing services and leadership to thousands of institutional and individual members. It is the only comprehensive national organization dedicated to state and local history.

American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
Washington, District of Columbia

National Associations

AIC is the national membership organization supporting conservation professionals in preserving cultural heritage by establishing and upholding professional standards, promoting research and publications, providing educational opportunities, and fostering the exchange of knowledge among conservators, allied professionals, and the public.

American Public Gardens Association - APGA
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The Institutional Membership is for public gardens. Enhance the image of your organization by joining more than 500 public gardens throughout North America that are members of APGA. Showing your commitment to APGA's mission, to serve and strengthen public gardens throughout North America by supporting and promoting their work, value and achievements in horticulture display, education, research, and plant conservation.

Arkansas Museums Association
Little Rock, Arkansas

State Associations

The Arkansas Museums Association stands as a committed collective comprising museums and adept professionals. Our core mission revolves around elevating and maintaining the utmost standards of professionalism within Arkansas' vibrant museum landscape.

Association Of Academic Museums And Galleries
Greencastle, Indiana

National Associations

Our nation’s museums preserve our past and stand as vibrant cultural centers for their respective communities. Academic museums and galleries do even more! They are the training ground for the nation’s next generation of cultural leaders, the first engagement for many of our young with original objects, and campus centers for interdisciplinary discussion.

Association of Children's Museums
Arlington, Virginia

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

AAYM began in 1962 with a small group of children's museum directors who decided it would be helpful for them to meet informally as a group during the American Association of Museum's (AAM) annual meeting. Michel Spock says, "AAYM stayed informal for about a decade. We resisted turning it into a real organization. We didn't take minutes or have formal meetings. It was for directors - to discuss our common purpose and our problems and issues." Approximately ten children's museums were operating in the United States at this time.

Association of Indiana Museums
Indianapolis, Indiana

State Associations

The Association of Indiana Museums (AIM) is the statewide advocate and information resource for Hoosier museums.
AIM serves Indiana's museum community by providing leadership, developing cooperative initiatives, and promoting the use of professional standards.

Association of Nature Center Administrators
Logan, Utah

National Associations

The people who run nature and environmental learning centers began getting together two decades ago to share ideas, experiences, and hard-won professional wisdom. Those early conversations soon became the Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA). ANCA is now an international network of nature and environmental learning center leaders designed to enhance professionalism and provide the support system critical to innovative and progressive management.

Association of South Dakota Museums
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

State Associations

The Association of South Dakota Museums (ASDM) is an organization of museums and friends in service to the museum community in South Dakota since 1970. To fulfill its mission, ASDM holds an annual meeting, publishes a quarterly newsletter along with technical information pamphlets and a South Dakota Museum Directory, and organizes a series of workshops.

American Alliance of Museums
Arlington, Virginia

National Associations

The American Alliance of Museums (formerly the American Association of Museums) is the one organization that supports all museums. Through advocacy and excellence, the Alliance strengthens the museum community. We support 21,000 museums, individuals and companies by: •Developing standards and best practices •Providing resources and career development •Advocating for museums to thrive.

American Craft Council
Minneapolis, Minnesota

National Associations

The American Craft Council (ACC) is a national, nonprofit educational organization founded in 1943 by Aileen Osborn Webb. With a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of contemporary American craft, we celebrate the remarkable achievements of the many gifted artists today who are working with a variety of materials.

American Library Association
Chicago, Illinois

National Associations

In 1998 the ALA Council voted commitment to five Key Action Areas as guiding principles for directing the Association’s energies and resources: Diversity, Equity of Access, Education and Continuous Learning, Intellectual Freedom, and 21st Century Literacy.

American Recreation Coalition
Washington, District of Columbia

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

AMERICAN RECREATION COALITION (ARC)is a Washington-based non-profit organization formed in 1979. Since its inception, ARC has sought to catalyze public/private partnerships to enhance and protect outdoor recreational opportunities and the resources upon which such experiences are based. ARC conducts research on a regular basis, organizes and conducts national conferences and meetings and disseminates information through a variety of newsletters, columns and other media regarding recreational needs and initiatives. ARC also monitors legislative and regulatory proposals that influence recreation and works with government agencies and the U.S. Congress to study public policy issues that will shape future recreational opportunities.

Art Museum Network
United States

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Association of African American Museums
Wilberforce, Ohio

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The Association of African American Museums (AAAM) is a non-profit member organization established to support African and African American focus museums nationally and internationally, as well as the professionals who protect, preserve and interpret African and African American art, history and culture.

Association of Historical Societies of New Hampshire
Ashland, New Hampshire

State Associations

AHSNH is a non-profit state-wide organization formed to facilitate networking among town historical societies. There are four meetings a year, the fourth Saturdays of April, June, August, and October.
AHSNH also publishes a newsletter, operates a website, and distributes an e-mail newsletter. The gem among networking opportunities, however, is the biennial Directory, containing contact information of all the historical societies in NH.

Association of Midwest Museums
Saint Louis, Missouri

Regional Associations

The Association of Midwest Museums (AMM), founded in 1927, is a dynamic, non-profit membership organization that provides resources to museums and cultural institutions and services to museum professionals in an eight-state region in the Midwest, including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

AMM provides a forum for dialogue and an exchange of ideas, helps create and sustain strong cultural institutions, and fosters professional development and leadership within the museum community. Through it's programs and activities, AMM encourages professional standards for all areas of museum administration and provides cutting-edge information and resources to museums and cultural institutions in the Midwest and the greater museum community.

Association of Science-Technology Centers
Washington, District of Columbia

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Science centers connect people with science. Science centers give science a presence in the community and offer people of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to ask questions, discuss, and explore. Visit a science center, and you’ll encounter hands-on exhibits like giant levers, wave tanks, and walk-in kaleidoscopes. While you are there, you may go to a demonstration, watch a skyshow or big-screen film, participate in a workshop, or even take part in a debate about a current issue like bioethics. In the process, you’ll experience the pleasure of lifelong learning, whether with family, friends, or on your own. At science centers, everyone is welcome.

Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

National Associations

The work of the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums is made possible through the generous support of a national network of volunteers and supporting organizations. You, too, can support the preservation of indigenous cultures by becoming involved. If you would like to volunteer, host an event, or make a contribution, please contact Susan Feller at 405-401-8293 or email Stay up to date by signing up to get emails on ATALM activities. Join us on Facebook!


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida