Updated: 1/20/2025
Our nation’s museums preserve our past and stand as vibrant cultural centers for their respective communities. Academic museums and galleries do even more! They are the training ground for the nation’s next generation of cultural leaders, the first engagement for many of our young with original objects, and campus centers for interdisciplinary discussion.
We believe that “Great Universities Have Great Museums.” AAMG leads a national effort to insure the best practices for academic museums, galleries and collections through its educational and advocacy efforts.
The Association of Academic Museums and Galleries is the leading educational and professional organization for academic museums, galleries, and collections. In recognition of the unique opportunities and challenges of its constituents, the AAMG establishes and supports best practices, educational activities and professional development that enable its member organizations to fulfill their educational missions.
Association of Academic Museums And Galleries Annual Conference 2025
Albuquerque, New Mexico
AAMG 2025 – UNM Albuquerqu
June 24-27, 202
University New Mexico Art Museu
See website for updates
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