Updated: 3/12/2020
We are caretakers for the future providing services and solutions that strengthen the art and cultural community. Our talented team and customers collaborate to create enduring experiences while protecting priceless collections. We demand from ourselves the highest quality of work as we handle irreplaceable pieces of art, antiquities, and memorabilia. We accomplish our goals by maintaining and welcoming ever-evolving practices, state of the art techniques, years of experience, and building lasting relationships.
We are an organization that fosters creativity through the installation, transportation and exhibition of irreplaceable works of art, antiquities, and memorabilia. We have over 155 years of combined experience in state of the art techniques with a reputation for superior service and the highest quality of work. As art handlers and caretakers for the future, we continuously review our methods and standards of operation in a never ending effort to provide unmatched quality in the services we provide. We have two warehouses in North Texas.
Archival;Art;Art - Acquisition;Art - Insurance;Art - Relocation;Collections Management;Consultants;Conservation Services and Supplies;Courier Services;Display Hardware;Display Hardware - Cases;Display Supplies;Handling Equipment & Services;Hanging Devices;Lighting;Lighting - Lightboxes;Lighting - Shadowboxes;Movable Walls;Museum Furniture;Murals;Packing Materials;Packing Services;Photographic Services;Registrar;Rigging;Shipping Services;Storage Equipment;Storage Services;Traveling Exhibitions
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