Welcome to the United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum Online. Located in historic Quincy, Massachusetts. The USNSM is home to the USS Salem, the world's only preserved Heavy Cruiser. We are located in the former Quincy Fore River Shipyard, once one of the Nation's largest Shipbuilding Enterprises.
A new exhibit celebrating the U. S. Navy SEALs opened September 28, 2002 at the United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum on the USS Salem (CA 139) in Quincy, MA. The exhibit had been under construction since July and shows some of the history of the SEALs as well as their training and function. Some of the contributors to the exhibit include Blackhawk Industries and the UDT-SEAL Museum. A large portion is dedicated to Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989.
All proceeds from the Ships Store benefit the United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum, a nonprofit 501 (C) 3 organization. Your support is greatly appreciated. Also available on-line.
If you have a trade, skill, special knowledge, or just a desire to help where ever you can, we welcome you aboard. By becoming an active volunteer, you will be a participant in the continued restoration of the USS Salem. You will learn the ship from stem to stern as you and other volunteers bring the ship back to its former glory. For more information on becoming a volunteer, please contact Frank Campbell. He may be contacted via phone at (781) 706-4997.
Our Overnight Adventure offers participants activities that include simulated combat situations such as radar tracking, damage control and simulated fire fighting. Other activities include scavenger hunts, cold water survival, hoisting, and first aid lessons. Its the hands-on aspect of our program that make us unique. Our Adventurers get access to areas of the ship off-limits to regular guests. They even sleep in the same bunks used by naval personnel and eat in the same mess decks. So, are you ready for a Shipboard Adventure? If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Overnight Adventure Director by email or phone at: email: adventure@uss-salem.org phone: 617-479-7900
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