Our mission is to protect, preserve and promote the rich history of North Adams, Massachusetts and its people.
Our goal is to present exhibits, publications and programs that will bring to life the rich history of North Adams, Massachusetts. You are cordially invited to attend all of our programs.
In September 1997, the NAHS officially opened the Local History Center in Western Gateway Heritage State Park. The restored buildings that once served as part of an 1800's freight yard were the perfect home to the many historical artifacts collected over the years.
After opening in Western Gateway Heritage State Park building 1, the Society received many generous loans and donations of artifacts. This collection overfilled our next home in building 2. Our exhibits have increased in size and number of artifacts and our membership continues to grow. In May 2001, we moved to building 5A where we have over 25 permanent exhibits on three floors.
January through April: Saturday 10-4, Sunday 1-4
May through December: Thursday through Saturday 10-4, Sunday 1-4
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