Connecticut Ancestry Society members are responsible, ethical genealogists and family historians who share a special interest in southwestern Connecticut and its neighborhood, either by living there, or by having ancestry there, or both; who pursue genealogical scholarship through networking, educational programs, and publication of reference materials and research results; and who extend full cooperation to other genealogical organizations, record repositories, and public record custodians.
In support of the Society's mission we sponsor workshops and lectures several times each year, often in conjunction with a visit to a genealogical repository in the area. The Society's scholarly journal, Connecticut Ancestry, is published quarterly with articles on local families, genealogical methodology, and transcriptions of previously unpublished records related to our area. All the work of the Society is done by volunteers with both professional and amateur genealogists actively participating. Society board members take an active role in addressing issues of vital records access and other concerns of genealogists.
Initially published as the Bulletin in 1958, the Society's periodical has been titled Connecticut Ancestry since 1971 and now averages 50 pages per quarterly issue. The journal's contents include well-researched and documented articles on families with roots in southwestern Connecticut, transcriptions of previously unpublished source material, and articles on genealogical technique. Members are encouraged to submit the results of their own research projects for publication.
The mission of Connecticut Ancestry Society is to promote genealogical scholarship, preserve source material, and exchange family histories.
Our Society was founded in 1954 as the Stamford Genealogical Society and is the oldest genealogical society in Connecticut. The organization's name was officially changed to Connecticut Ancestry Society, Inc., in 1989. The Society's membership now extends around the world with only about half living in Connecticut. The Board of Governors consists of an elected president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer together with officers appointed by the board, including the editor, genealogist, and librarian