Updated: 2/8/2012
The Buffalo County Historical Society also can do genealogy research for you for a fee! Our research rates are $10.00/hr if you are a current member of the society and $15.00/hr if you are not a member (there is a one hour minimum). We also charge $0.50/copy for the first 10 copies made and $0.25/copy for each copy after that as well as postage. If you would like to have some research done, please contact us by e-mail or you can send your check or money order with your request to: BCHS, PO Box 394, Alma, WI 54610. All researches must be paid for before being sent.
The Buffalo County Historical Society is always looking for artifacts to add to its collections. If you have something you would like to donate, or would be interested in learning more about what types of artifacts we may be interested, contact us to inquire directly.
The Buffalo County Historical Society is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for the days that Buffalo County has designated as holidays. If you are unable to visit during office hours, feel free to check on the possibility of scheduling an appointment with our staff or a volunteer.
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