Updated: 9/7/2014
The mission of the US Army Finance Corps Museum is to function as a permanent historical and educational institution of the Soldiers Support Institute (SSI), and the US Army Finance School, providing training and education to Soldiers, military dependents and interested civilians.
Major General Bickford W. Sawyer, then Chief of Finance, authorized the establishment of the ?Finance Corps Historical Exposition? on 29 January 1954. General Sawyer sent requests for ?all items of historic nature pertaining to the Finance Corps or its predecessors? to all offices under his command. Miss Helen B. Rhodes, the Finance Center Historian and the US Army Finance Corps Museum?s first Curator, displayed the resulting items in the North Lobby of the Finance Center (Building 1) located on Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Miss Rhodes retired in June 1973 and the Curator position remained vacant until 1974.
Closed on weekends and Federal Holidays.
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