Updated: 3/1/2018 
Stauth Memorial Museum
Montezuma, Kansas

Located in Montezuma, Kansas, the Stauth Memorial Museum features the travel adventures of Claude and Donalda Stauth, long-time residents of southwest Kansas. Journey with the Stauth’s as you stroll through the permanent exhibit Around the World. The Stauth's traveled to 95 countries on six continents and collected many artifacts along the way. Not just your everyday souvenirs, but indigenous art and musical instruments, costumes, animal statues and tribal hunting weapons. Not just your everyday souvenirs, but indigenous art and musical instruments, costumes, animal statues and tribal hunting weapons. Experience famous sites and everyday places from around the world through video and slide programs based on the Stauth’s trips. They wanted the museum to go beyond the story of their personal travels. Continue your discoveries in the Special Exhibitions Gallery featuring traveling exhibits from renowned national and international exhibit sources. Return again and again to learn about history, art, science, and more. Also featured in the Stauth Memorial Museum is the Fry Wildlife Collection, one of Kansas’ most extensive collections of North American and exotic game animals, including former record-breaking specimens. This is a must see for all hunters, sportsmen and conservationist. The newest addition to the museum is the Wall Western Collection exhibition, which features nineteen Frederic Remington authentic bronze reproductions, plus other famous western bronzes. This extensive collection is the life-long passion of another Montezuma resident, Howard Wall. These world class permanent exhibitions and continuously changing traveling exhibits continue the Stauth’s tradition of bringing the world and its cultures to Montezuma and Kansas.


The purpose of the museum is to preserve for public education and enjoyment the Stauth Memorial Collection of artifacts and slides from around the world, and to provide cultural enrichment for the community through special exhibitions and programs.


The Stauth Memorial Museum opened on February 24, 1996 with approximately 650 visitors on opening day. Since opening, it has hosted well over 110,000 visitors. Visitors have come from every county in Kansas, all 50 states and more than 85 foreign countires. The four exhibit galleries are housed in a striking earth colored, copper-roofed structure worthy of any large city, but it is only in small town America that people such as Claude and Donnie would leave their entire collection and estate to “their family”--the citizens of Montezuma and any who enter and wish to spend time in “their world”

Artifact Collections

The Stauth's traveled to 95 countries on six continents and collected many artifacts along the way. The collection is comprised of their artifacts including; indigenous art, musical instruments, costumes, animal statues, tribal hunting weapons, ivory carvings, jewelry, rugs & wall textiles.

The collection also includes over 10,000 slides that the Stauth's took all over the world.

The Fry Wildlife Collection includes animal mounts of North American game animals, a polar bear and a few exotic animals. The Wall Western Collection consists of 19 authorized Frederic Remington miniature bronzes plus the bronzes of several other well known western artists.


Gallery - personal guided tours are available to every visitor to the museum. Written or verbal Scavenger Hunts are available for school groups. Special Exhibitions Gallery - In addition to the special exhibits, we try to have at least one educational program for each temporary or traveling exhibit. We generally have one children's educational activity/event and often an adult program as well.

Building Description, Community Room Description

Keeping in mind the Stauth’s farmed for many years and the location of the Museum is in the middle of a farming area. The building was designed to represent the silhouette of a farmstead. The round shapes on the south and west side of the building have the resemblance of grain bins, the office and equipment rooms jutting off the main building resemble small sheds, all familiar buildings one might view on a farm. The arch and vault are reminiscent of Southwest and Hispanic influences of the area. The exterior and interior colors and material recall the earth, water, grass, sky and clouds present in Montezuma. Donnie wanted a place for her Bridge Club to play. The Trustees and the Architect wanted the Community Room to serve as a valuable meeting place for the community. The room’s unique round shape creates wonderful natural acoustics! It is equipped with a fill size theater screen and large enough for theater seating of 100 or table seating for 60. A podium with microphone is also available. The Community Room is available for clubs, civic organizations, workshops, seminars, lectures or other Educational Events.


Stauth Memorial Foundation


Anyone wishing to schedule a group tour please call at least 72 hours in advance to 620-846-2527 and we will be happy to accommodate your needs. We have an amazing restaurant across the street from the museum called Eva's Kitchen. Great homemade food and the best pie in southwest Kansas!

Group Tours
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