Located at 400 Woodrose in Colstrip, MT, the Schoolhouse History and Art Center (SHAC) is established to provide the opportunity for cultural events, arts education and promotion, and to encourage and preserve the culture and history of Colstrip and the surrounding area.
Obert and Signe Rye long time residents of Colstrip loved their garden and Rosebud County. Signe always brought fresh flowers to church during the growing season. The Rye gardens were an envy to this community. Upon the passing of these treasured residents, the Board of Directors of the Schoolhouse recognized a beautiful garden area would compliment our historic building. To commemorate Signe, our garden consists of blooms of bricks that continue to flower every time a brick is purchased. Bricks honor milestones in the lives of treasured members of our surrounding communities. If you want to acknowledge a wedding, graduation, special occasion of any kind, or to memorialize a loved one, we will make sure your gift will be appreciated.
Contact us today to order your brick. The legend of your loved one will live on forever in our beautiful garden of this historic building. Thank you for ensuring our continued growth and success.
The Schoolhouse History & Art Center (SHAC) was originally built in 1924 as a schoolhouse for the new community of coal miners and area ranchers.
Through the years the school was used as a teacherage, apartment house, and finally was left abandoned and empty where it became more of a concern for vandalism and decline. Then in the 1980's a group of concerned citizens bought the school for a dollar from the local School Board. Later they formed a charitable, non-profit corporation, and launched a campaign to see that the building would stay a vital part of the community to serve as a museum and center for the arts.
During the past 13 years the facility has brought in over $300,000 in fundraising and grants to renovate the building's main floor, roof, siding, and outdoor landscaping. SHAC boasts of two galleries: one gallery for the Colstrip area historical photographs and another for rotating art exhibits. Currently, the basement is home to a Pottery Studio and a Classroom.
The past years have shown that SHAC is definitely a facility that fulfills a need in the community, not only as a space for the arts, but an impressive array of events. Some events are the annual Gone to Pieces Quilt Show, Southeastern Montana Juried Traveling Art Exhibit, Summer Golf Tournament, Student Art Show, Christmas Arts & Craft Show, Colstrip Days Celebrations, Speakers from the Montana Humanities Speakers Bureau. SHAC has collaborated with the Bicentennial Library,Colstrip Public Schools and others to bring entertainment and education to our community.
Visit our art and craft gift shop. Most Items are locally and Montana Made.
•Stain Glass
•SHAC Totes, & Aprons
•Autographed Books by Wally McRae
•Handmade Knifes
•Books from Montana's own Clark City Press
•Woodwork pieces
•Tack made in Colstrip
•Native American Beaded Jewelry