Updated: 11/23/2011
Visitors of all ages thrill to the splendor and elegance of this award winning Victorian Mansion Museum.
Gifted Craftsmen worked from 1888 through 1893 to create this fine masterpiece of the Romanesque style.
Twenty-six rooms are skillfully restored with the finest of the Victorian era.
As you enter the Walton Avenue carriage entrance you will see the elegance of fine carved oak fretwork with a winged griffin, thought to prevent misfortune.
As you continue through the 26 rooms you see the original quarter-sawed oak woodwork, a solid oak handcarved decorative staircase, decorative door hinges, a 22K gold and ruby marble wash basin and Lincrusta wainscoting are a few of the many interesting features of this historic Museum.
The Belmont County Historical Society was founded in 1966 by a dedicated group of individuals determined to preserve and protect the heritage of Belmont County. The history of the museum and Belmont County during the late 1800's is reflected in the objects displayed throughout the Museum.
The house/Museum was purchased during this time to save the building from demolition, and is now lovingly preserved and restored to the elegance of the Victorian era.
May 1 - September 30 |
Wednesday - Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
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