Morningside is the base for environmental education and folk life programs provided by Nature Operations. Elementary groups come to Morningside and other nature parks daily throughout the school year for curriculum enrichment programs, including programs on farm life, the native Timucua people, life of the wetlands, or other ecosystem exploring programs. Elementary and middle school students can come for day camps during school holidays.
Fall wildflower walks are offered every Saturday in October. Adults can register for hands-on seminar style classes on traditional crafts and Florida's natural history.
The Living History Farm hosts two large events per year and farm days every Saturday. Friends of Nature Parks co-sponsor two Native Plant Sales in fall and spring with the Native Plant Society and Nature Operations. For event dates and details, see our Event Calendar. The Friends of Nature Parks are the original not-for-profit support organization which provides volunteers, supplemental funding, and advocacy for matters of concern to the nature parks.