Updated: 6/18/2020
The hotel, which opened in 1910, was designed as a grand hotel with 252 rooms and became popular among visitors to Stockton, especially traveling entertainers. In 1912, the City of Stockton moved its City Hall into the hotel, where it remained until 1926. The building's role in local government ultimately outlasted its role as a hotel; when the hotel closed for business in 1960, the county courthouse relocated to the building for the next four years while a new courthouse was built. The building served yet another branch of government in 1976, when San Joaquin County purchased the building as office space for its Public Administration Department.
The Sing Lee Laundry was operated by Chinese immigrants from about 1894 to 1937. Excavation of the site produced an amazing array of artifacts which are now on display in the lobby of the Hotel Stockton, not far from the laundry's location. Among the artifacts are bowls and cups, tea pots, medicine bottles, pieces of toys, wiring implements, candlesticks, bottles and animal bones.
When the public has access to the Hotel Stockton lobby. Mostly during the day.
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