Updated: 11/14/2015 
Verdurette House Trust
New Boston, Illinois

A Trust for the Historical Preservation of the beautiful 1855 Verdurette Mansion built by William Drury, providing historical content and education for the community.


To preserve both the physical structures and the histories of Verdurette through preservation and education for the surrounding communities.


William Drury came to this area in 1833 and thought it was "God's Country." Within a short time, he owned land from the Edwards River bottom to the Bluff. Mr. Drury was elected County Recorder in 1835 for the newly organized Mercer County. William Drury and a brother-in-law, Levi Willits, entered into a small dry goods and grocery business in 1840.

Mr. Drury married Vashti Lewis of Indiana in the same year. A new home was built for his bride called "Verdurette." A carriage house, barns, elaborate fountains and statues on the lawn, and an octagonal brick windmill tower all added to this stately home. A deer park was located across the road from the main buildings.

Verdurette even had its own power plant. The Drury's adopted one son, Edward L. Drury. Edward and his wife had two sons, Purne and Clair. Purne was the inventor for the Viceroy Buggy Builder for Dodge Stables. Clair lived in the Verdurette until 1916. William Drury died in 1897. Mrs. Vashti Drury died in 1909. In Mr. Drury's will, money was left to build a college in the county. Thus, William and Vashti College was built in Aledo and opened in 1908; Clair was an architect for the college. The college name was chosen for each of the Drury's first names. It closed in 1923.


Access: General Public, Members

Appointment required: True

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