The Society is now located at 189 Tenth Street, Clarksville, Tennessee, housed in the historic L&N Depot building, a City of Clarksville asset.
In recent years, in addition to the many stimulating monthly meetings for members, the Society has held a number of well attended public events, such as historic home tours, cemetery tours, and more recently, re-enactments of moments in the lives of departed Clarksvillians, in an annual/biennial event know as “Dinner with the Dead.”
We invite you to all of our meetings and to special events such as field trips into the area, summer picnics, Christmas dinners and the social hour following each of the regular meetings. We have a good time and you will also.
a. Promote interest in and enjoyment of the history of Montgomery County, Tennessee.
b. Ascertain, preserve and promote local history.
c. Identify historic sites and structures and promote their preservation.
d. Hold periodic meetings of a stimulating nature in keeping with the interests of the society.
The Montgomery County Historical Society was formed in 1924. Our charter is to promote interest in and the enjoyment of the history of Montgomery County, Tennessee, and adjacent areas; to ascertain, perserve and promote local history; to identify and preserve local historic sites, structures, artifacts and other materials and promote their preservation; to hold periodic meetings in keeping with the interest of the society
Weddings, Receptions, Victorian Tea Parties, Non-Profit Organizations, Meetings