We have a permanent collection gallery, two traveling exhibition galleries and a gallery dedicated to student and faculty exhibitions. All galleries are able to be divided. We also have a "smart" classroom and curatorial spaces that are open for research and visits from the public by appointment.
There is a restaurant in the student center where the museum is housed.
The Phillips Museum is located in Steinman College Center, along College Ave, at Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA. For directions to the college and parking suggestions, please visit our website.
The museum is closed for the following holidays/breaks: March 11-21, 2011
The Phillips Museum of Art is happy to announce the opening of our new Museum Shop on Cafe Press! You can now purchase 100% cotton totebags and t-shirts, including organic wear, along with a selection of mugs, magnets and buttons. Your purchase goes toward the support of the museum. We appreciate your continued support! To see the complete line of available merchandise go to: http://www.cafepress.com/phillipsmuseum.
Catalogs for Sale: All catalogs contain beautiful color images. You can purchase current and past exhibition catalogs (cash and check only) by contacting the Museum Information Desk at (717) 291-3879 or maureen.lane@fandm.edu. Please note that applicable mailing charges will be added to the cost of each catalog. You may also purchase catalogs during open gallery hours.
Pennsylvania German artifacts and furniture; Early American ephemera, fraktur, textiles; African cultural material objects; Roman coins; estate collections of early American silver, pottery and porcelain, and some Civil War items.
19th Century Japanese and western,Mid-century and contemporary photographs; early American portraits; modernist, mid-century modern and post ab-ex art; African American abstract artwork (The Bill Hutson Collection); Japanese woodblock prints from the Edo and Meiji periods;
14-18 exhibitions each academic year; curatorial seminar for students and their exhibition each academic year; gallery and vault tours by appointment; docent training; loans to museums and visiting curators;
Lecture Halls
Performance Areas
Access: Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
Online Gift Shop