The U.S. Cavalry Memorial Research Library (USCMRL) serves as a repository of information on the United States Army’s Cavalry, whether mounted on horses, mechanized vehicles, motorized vehicles, and/or airborne vehicles.
he USCMRL is a non-lending library of books and periodicals, archival special collections of maps, documents, photographs, media and microfilm.
The Library welcomes inquiries and assists academic, military, genealogy, student and general information researchers.
The USCMRL is accessible at and is designed to enable research through the internet.
The book collection contains a number of hard-to-locate and rare items, including cavalry drill manuals, Field Manuals, Technical Manuals, Cavalry School staff studies, unit histories, and many nineteenth century works on equine medicine. The library also boasts a significant collection on related subjects, including general military history and Cavalry-related fiction. The archival collection contains a diverse and varied body of records, including the personal of several twentieth century Army officers and enlisted men who served in the Cavalry, as well as various regimental and Army school records.
The photo collection consists of over five thousand images mostly from the first half of the twentieth century. The Library has digitalized much of its photo collection, which consists of class photos, as well as photos of individuals, military installations, and equipment. The Library also has an extensive collection of equestrian photographs including a significant collection of photos of the equestrian events at the 1932 Los Angeles and 1936 Berlin Olympics.
The Library also maintains a growing Oral History Collection. In cooperation with Texas A&M University, the Cavalry Association is collecting on tape and transcribing the recollections of Cavalry veterans of recent history. Many of these tapes include reminiscences from the Inter war Period, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict. Transcripts and original audio tapes are available for the many of the interviews already conducted.
The Library also has limited cavalry biographical information.
If you wish to donate, we actively collect U.S. cavalry books, periodicals, documents, maps, photographs, and media from the Revolutionary War to current day. Please email and the librarian or archivist will contact you.
A collection of apparel, books, DVDs, jewelry, journals, posters, statues, memorabilia, and more ...
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