Updated: 1/26/2012 
Fresno Chaffee Zoo
Fresno, California

At Fresno Chaffee Zoo we provide a fun, unique up-close experience that strengthens the bond between people and wildlife. With your support, the Zoo will continue to offer new and exciting animal habitats, educational adventures, and experiences of a lifetime to the central California community.

Your support helps us provide excellent care to our animal ambassadors, and protect wildlife and wild places close to home and around the globe. By giving to the Zoo you have the opportunity to change your world, and that of your children and grandchildren. Your investment can touch the lives of so many people and provide for the future of one of the region's most treasured cultural assets. Whether you are an individual, corporation, or private foundation you can make a difference.

Fresno Chaffee Zoo has increased its presence on the web. The Zoo now has four different ways for you to keep up with all of the new and exciting things that are happening here, including special events, animal births, Zoo news and contests.

Follow us on Facebook and YouTube (search for “Fresno Chaffee Zoo”), Twitter (twitter.com/FresnoZoo), and get the latest news, photos and videos on our Zoo blog, www.fresnochaffeezoo.blogspot.com.

Fresno Chaffee Zoo is home to approximately 125 species, with more always on the way. We are the only zoo in North America that currently houses Northland green geckos (on exhibit) and Southern tent tortoises (off exhibit). Your Fresno Chaffee Zoo is also home to 18 species that are part of the Species Survival Plan, or SSP, a program created by AZA member zoos to systematically develop breeding management strategies to help protect some of the planet's rarest animals.

Artifact Collections

amphibians, birds, mammals, reptiles


exhibitions, children's classes, teacher training, lectures, hands-on workshops, seminars, guided tours, outreach to schools, fundraising events

Fresno Chaffee Zoo has many different educational programs to choose from. If you don't see something that fits your needs, we can customize an educational experience for you. Please call 559-498-5920 for more information or to register. Advanced registration for all programs is required.
$100 per day plus Zoo admission: Move your entire class to the Zoo! Teachers can rent classrooms on site for one to five days. Teachers have access to the Zoo and all the educational resources available throughout the week. Some programs require additional fees
Bring the entire family to the Zoo to sleep under the stars while enjoying animal sounds. This program is also great for Scout troops.

The Fresno County Zoo Authority is the public agency responsible for the administration of Measure Z, the unique transactions and use tax (sales tax) which is collected throughout Fresno County for the support of the Chaffee Zoo in the City of Fresno. The Zoo Authority is governed by a seven-member board. This board consists of six qualified electors (Fresno County voters) who are appointed by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, plus the Mayor of Fresno. The private non-profit entity, Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corporation, that took over the Chaffee Zoo from the City of Fresno on January 1, 2006, is responsible for the Zoo. The name of the Zoo was changed to Fresno Chaffee Zoo and in May 2006.

Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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