The Rutherford B H Yates Museum, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3), non profit organization, incorporated in the State of Texas on Dec. 26, 1996. It is located in the endangered, post Civil War, National Register Historic District of Freedmen's Town-4th Ward, Houston, Tx.
RBHYates Museum is dedicated to the preservation of the history and remaining historic district; its homes, churches, and brick streets.
Description.History=The National Register Historic District of Freedmen's Town was founded and built by freed men and their descendants immediately after Emancipation in 1865.
Mrs. Olee Yates McCulloughdaughter of Rutherford BH Yates, Sr. and Gladys House, Resident Leader in Freedmen's Town requested that the National Register home of Rutherford B.H.Yates,Sr. be saved from demolition and made into a Museum dedicated to Printing History of the African Diaspora. In 1995, the house was purchased and the difficult political and restoration process began. The RBHYates Museum, Inc. became a 501(c )(3) on Dec.26, 1996, just a few days after Mrs. Olee Yates McCullough passed away. In 1996, the Museum of Printing History became our Mentor. They continue to provide us with advice in Museum Management, use of their conference rooms and theater, and exhibit space. In 1997, in order to accurately interpret the history of communities fo formerly enslaved peoples and to guarantee the sustainability of our Project, we expanded our vision to include the acquisition of the lots and historic homes immediately surrounding the Yates house. In 2007, we created the Educational & Cultural Park Corridor Master Plan consisting of 18 projects totalling $7 million. Our 'Guardians of History' Fundraising Program continues to aid us in the acquisition and restoration of Historic properties and Educational programs.
By 2012, six historic houses on 10 lots have been saved from destruction. Each of the houses are in various stages of restoration with assistance from many volunteers and gifts of professional services and materials. The lots are used for Archaeology Field Schools, Permanent Green Classrooms, and historic gardens. Two additional historic homes and three lots are still needed to be saved. And the historic brick streets are in danger of being removed and permanently damaged by the City.
Archaeological Artifacts 18th - 20th Century, from Freedmen's Town sites.
Printing Exhibit; Doll Collection 18th- 21st Century; Black Inventors Exhibit; Charles Criner Prints;
Girl and Boy Scout Merit Badge Archaeology Courses.
*Guided Tours,lectures,traveling Archaeology or Black Inventors exhibits.
*Preservation Architecture Internships for qualified Univ. Students.
*Volunteer opportunities on "Restore Historic Homesteads Days".
* University Accredited Archaeology Field Courses through Rice University, University of Houston, and Houston Community College under the direction of CARI-Community Archaeology Research Institute.
* Historic Gardens programs.
Yates Printing Museum in historic RBHYates house; 5 houses in process of restoration to become Museums of: Health, Business, Legal Professions, Barber/Beauty Shop, Historic Plant Green House, Archaeology Field School Lab. 10 lots used for Archaeology Field Courses.
Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Educational
Dr. Theophilus Herrington - Chairman/President Board of Directors
Plus - 9 Board of Directors and 30 Advisory Council Members
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
Tours and a variety of Educational African Heritage Programs for learners of all ages. Volunteer Opportunities.