There are eight exhibitions in the permanent collection.
1. History and Humanities of the Mexican American Culture in Austin, a collection of
photographs with text documenting the history of the Mexican people in Austin. Approximately 180 works.; 2. Workshop of Popular Graphics/Taller de la Grafica Popular 1940-1970, etchings by Mexican artists who worked in this print studio in Mexico City during these years. Approximately 300 works.; 3. José Guadalupe Posada, a collection of prints with calavera/skeleton imagery created by Posada for the Vanegas-Arroyo publishing house in Mexico City in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 15 works.; 4. Agustin Casasola Archive, an exhibition of photographs that document the Mexican Revolution. 23 works.;
5. Photographs of Great Plains Tribes, an exhibition of the photographs of William
Prettyman, who documented the vanishing way of life of many indigenous groups. 11 works.
;6. Photographs of Tzotziles and Tzontales, a collection of photographs of two indigenous
groups from Mexico. 50 works.; 7. Pre-columbian Collection, a group of small works by the indigenous people of Teotihuacan, Mexico and the Taino people of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. 29 works.; 8. Masks from Guerrero, a group of traditional masks from Guerrero, Mexico, which provide an unusually well-crafted example of artistry offering insights into Pre-columbian thoughts and religion. 100 works.