The 46 million official documents from LBJ's public life are divided into the pre-White House years and the White House years. Some topics covered are Vietnam, foreign relations, the Dominican crisis, the six-day war in the Middle East, and Civil Rights, as well as the establishment of the Poverty Program, Medicare, Elementary & Secondary Education Act, and Higher Education Act.
Other archival collections include the papers of John Connally, Drew Pearson, Alvin Wirtz, Wright Patman, General William Westmoreland, Clark Clifford, and the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). The oral history collection tracks LBJ from childhood to death, and includes input from over 1,000 individuals associated with LBJ personally or professionally. The over one million feet of audiovisual material include motion picture footage, film from the 1960s, video tapes, and dictaphone tapes of LBJ on the telephone. The photography collection consists of 600,000 still photographs and 500,000 photographic negatives that span the life of LBJ.