The Museum’s collection is fundamental to fulfilling this mission. Though small in comparison to some institutions, our collection continues to grow steadily. It is comprised of items (objects, photographs, archival materials, and books) relating to maritime activities in the Upper Bay. While most of our donors are local, we have received collections items from all over the United States, including New York and California, as well as from overseas. Some of our largest collections are made up of boats and boat building tools, which are featured in the Chesapeake Wooden Boat Builders School (CWBBS) as well as an exhibit discussing “Boat Building Tools and Traditions.” We also have a large collection of nautical instruments, including compasses with dates ranging from the 18th century to the present, as well as other navigational tools, most of which are on display in our “Navigation: Tools of the Trade” exhibit. Other significant aspects of our collection are objects relating to the commercial fishing industry. This collection of photographs, nets, motors, boat components, fishing implements, logbooks, and other related items comprise the majority of our “Harvesting the Bay” exhibit.