Since 1967, the McDonough County Historical Society, a not-for-profit organization, has been an important force for promoting historical understanding and preserving materials that reflect the county’s heritage.
Over the years, historical programs at the bi-monthly meetings have drawn upon a broad range of speakers with local expertise, for talks on pioneer settlements, early hotels, the Underground Railroad, Lincoln’s visits, the Civil War, Victorian homes, one-room schools, coal mining, murder cases, pottery factories, horse breeding, early hospitals, small villages, opera houses, bootleggers, noted lawyers, and a host of other topics that give McDonough County a fascinating heritage.
The McDonough County Historical Society brings together people interested in history, especially the history of McDonough County. Society members discover and share materials and knowledge which establish or illustrate the history of the area. The society disseminates historical information and arouses interest in the past through presentations at meetings, stories in its newsletter, and articles in newspapers. The society arranges for the preservation and accessibility of some historical materials in the WIU Archives or Western Illinois Museum.