The Museum offers gallery tours, and also on the half hour from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM tours of the Fithian Home.
The Museum offers a free educational program to students in Vermilion County, IL and the surrounding area, including home schooled students.
Two major free open houses are held each year:
Lincoln Birthday Open House in February (Sunday before Lincoln's birthday) and Arts Week Open House in October (date set each year to coinside with Illinois Arts Week.)
The Museum sponsers a quilt show every year in July.
It is a judges show with between 75 and 100 entries per year.
A Candlelight Christmas Tour is held the first Sunday of December with costumed characters in the rooms.
Other special events are planned throughout the year on a rotaing basis that include a historic house and garden walk, Drivin' the Dixie car rally, First Night celebration, and special Lincoln programs.