Updated: 3/5/2012 
Vermilion County Museum Society
Danville, Illinois

"If I have blessings at my disposal, Old Vermilion will come in for a boutiful share." Abraham Lincoln said when he made his last stop in Danville. He was on his way to assume the Presidency in February 1861.

Now you can walk in Lincoln's footsteps when you visit the Vermilion County Museum Complex. History is everyone, and you will find something for everyone here. In the Fithian Home you can see the room where Abraham Lincoln stayed when he visited his freind, client, and political supporter, Dr. William H. Fithian. You can also see the balcony from which Lincoln delivered a speech in 1858 in his stocking feet. The Vermilion County Museum building is a replica of the 1833 courthouse where Lincoln practiced law. You can visit the recreated law office of Abraham Lincoln and Ward Hill Lamon, his partner, and see the deck where they worked and discussed legal problems. There are natural history exhibits, Native American and pioneer artifacts. A recreated one room school, 1930s street scene, and a coal mine tunnel. Walk back through the pages of history on the second floor, with special exhibits, or browse the Gift Shop while a replica Wabash model train circles the room overhead. Pause a moment in the atrium and have your picture taken with the young Abraham Lincoln, cast in bronze. If you have a group that would like to schedule a tour, contact the staff today. There is an attraction for everyone at the Museum and special accomodations will be made for bus tours. The new building is handicapped accessible, with a large elevator and modern restroom facilities. Arrangements can be made for a box lunch if desired.


The Vermilion County Museum Fithian Home is on the National Register of Historic Places. The Museum Society was organized in 1967 and the facility has been opened since 1968. The home reflects the lifestyle of the late 1800s with over 80% of the artifacts being county based in history. The new $2.2 Museum Center building was opened in April of 2002 and showcases the county's history with permanent and changing displays.

Artifact Collections

Collection is county based, reflecting local Vermilion County, IL history. It includes furniture, household accessories, clothing, books, and paper artifacts.

Research Collections

The Museum has a research library with over 1000 books relating to county, state, city, Lincoln, Civil War, and WWII history.


The Museum offers gallery tours, and also on the half hour from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM tours of the Fithian Home.

The Museum offers a free educational program to students in Vermilion County, IL and the surrounding area, including home schooled students.

Two major free open houses are held each year:
Lincoln Birthday Open House in February (Sunday before Lincoln's birthday) and Arts Week Open House in October (date set each year to coinside with Illinois Arts Week.)

The Museum sponsers a quilt show every year in July.
It is a judges show with between 75 and 100 entries per year.

A Candlelight Christmas Tour is held the first Sunday of December with costumed characters in the rooms.

Other special events are planned throughout the year on a rotaing basis that include a historic house and garden walk, Drivin' the Dixie car rally, First Night celebration, and special Lincoln programs.


Vermilion County Museum Society


Access: Staff Only

Appointment required: True

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