The Illinois Heritage Association perpetuates the history and heritage of Illinois by providing professional services to educational institutions, local government bodies and nonprofit agencies. It recognizes the contribution of people and nature to the shaping of the cultural heritage of the state of Illinois. In furthering such such purposes, the Illinois Heritage Association researches and documents the history of Illinois, makes available the services of qualified personnel to assist with the needs of agencies entrusted with the perpetuation of Illinois history, provides educational services and benefits to the public, and builds coalitions with other groups that have similar objectives.
Bimonthly Newsletter: The news letter provides information about state and national activities of interest to Illinois cultural organizations; publicizes the activities of such organizations; and describes IHA projects and opportunities for technical assistance available to those interested in preserving and interpreting the heritage of Illinois.
Technical Insert: The newsletter contains a technical insert that provides information to IHA members for practical application in preserving the cultural resources of Illinois.
Consultations: Individualized assistance, both by telephone and on site, is offered by the IHA staff and outside consultants in areas of nonprofit agency operation, including governance, management, collection, care, exhibit planning, educational programming, and historic preservation.
Reference and Circulating Library: The IHA library contains specialized practical and technical information about administration, the development of collection management and care, interpretation, historic preservation, and historical research. Hundreds of books, pamphlets, professional journals, periodicals, audio tapes, and up-to-date vertical file materials make it the most extensive resource of its type in the state.
Workshops: The IHA initiates and conducts workshops in cosponsorship with Illinois museums and other cultural agencies. Topics are selected according to expressed need for information and improved skills in operating nonprofit organizations.