Browse Museums

B. F. Hastings Building
Sacramento, California

Historic House

Supreme Court exhibit.

Banning Residence Museum
Wilmington, California

Culture, History, Historic House

General Banning wanted his family to live in gracious American comfort, so he built his house in the fashion of the fine Greek Revival houses which he had seen back in Delaware. He insured that the house was grand and comfortable inside and out by filling it with elegant "Victorian" furnishings like the ones which fill the rooms today.

Battery Point Lighthouse Museum
Crescent City, California

Historic House

Battery Point Lighthouse Museum in Crescent City, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Benicia Fire Museum
Benicia, California

Historic House

Benicia Fire Museum in Benicia, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Bernhard Museum Complex
Auburn, California

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Park, Science

Set on 2.3 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds, the Bernhard Museum Complex includes the Bernhard residence, wine storage building, wine processing building, and a barn. Today, the residence is a Victorian era house museum, but there remain faint whispers from the structure’s Travelers Rest days.

Big Four and Dingley Spice Mill Buildings
Sacramento, California

General, History, Historic House, Science

Over the last 20 years, the Old Sacramento Historic District has grown and matured into a well-recognized town within a city. Highly visible within the district are the cluster of reconstructed and restored buildings that comprise the California State Railroad Museum and Old Sacramento State Historic Park.

Bloss Home Museum and Atwater Historical Society, Inc
Atwater, California

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society

Built in 1914 for George Stone Bloss, Jr. and his wife Christine it was designed by the architect William Bedesen. Built at the cost of $11,954, the house is 4080 square feet, including the enclosed porches. The architectural design of the house reflects the background of the Connecticut born family, with the construction materials that were used being common to California.

Bok Kai Temple
Marysville, California

Historic House

Bok Kai Temple in Marysville, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Bradbury Building
Los Angeles, California

Historic House

Bradbury Building in Los Angeles, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Bangor, California

Church, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Bangor Church is located in the beautiful foothills of Butte County, southeast of Oroville. Bangor is a Gold Rush era town, which at one point had a population of 30,000. The Bangor Church is the oldest original church in Butte County, built in 1882. Today it is used as a museum celebrating the history of the local area. It also may be rented for weddings. For more information contact Eric or Jennifer Anderson at (530)679-0775.

Barstow Station
Barstow, California

Historic House

Barstow Station in Barstow, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Benicia Capitol State Historic Park
Benicia, California

Culture, History, Historic House, Park

Benicia Capitol State Historic Park is the site of California’s third seat of government (1853-54). It is the only pre-Sacramento Capitol that survives. The original building has been restored with reconstructed period furnishings and exhibits. The interior includes a board-for-board reconstruction of the building’s original floor with ponderosa pine. The desks, three of which are originals from the Benicia period or earlier, are furnished with a candlestick, a 19th century newspaper, a quill pen and a top hat.

Benicia Historical Museum at the Camel Barns
Benicia, California

Children's, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Library, Specialized

All of the buildings on the complex are built of native California sandstone quarried right off the site. Their massive, austere style set a precedent at the Arsenal that was followed for most of the buildings constructed in the 1850's. The Arsenal is one of only three locations where native California sandstone was used for US military installations. The other two are Ft. Sill in Oklahoma and Ft. Tejon near Gorman, CA.

Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park
Chico, California

History, Historic House, Park

Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park showcases the life and home of CA pioneer, farmer and statesman, John Bidwell. The park includes his restored and fully-furnished 26-room Victorian mansion, as well as a modern Visitor Center which houses an Exhibit Hall and a Museum Store.

Black Butte Saloon
Weed, California

Historic House

Black Butte Saloon in Weed, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Boarding House Museum
Locke, California

Culture, General, History, Historic House

The Boarding House was built in 1909 to board the workers of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The shipping warehouse is located across the River Road. The Boarding house was later purchased by the Kuramoto family, who operated the Boarding House from 1920 to 1942. The Kuramoto family was interned during WWII and did not return to resume operation of the Boarding House after the War. In 2008 it became the Locke Boarding House, a unit of the State Park System. The exhibit and research facility are operated by the California State Parks and the Locke Foundation. It is open to the public free of charge.

Bolt's Antique Tool Museum
Oroville, California

General, History, Historic House, Specialized

The Bolt's Antique Tool Museum celebrates the tools that built our world. It is the largest known documented collection of hand tools. It began in 1957 when Carl “Bud” Bolt was a representative of Snap-On Tools. He needed some old tools to show how his new tools were superior to the old ones. Thus began Bud’s life-long fascination with old tools. Although he vowed to stop collecting when he reached 1,000 pieces, the collection now numbers over 8,400 pieces. Each is meticulously cataloged and referenced with research ongoing, fulfilling Bud’s dream of having a collection that will be enjoyed and studied by tool aficionados, scholars, and students from around the world.

Butte County Historical Society Museum & Archives
Oroville, California

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Our forte is research materials on all aspects of the rich history of our County. The museum reflects interesting aspects of County history from gold mining, construction of Oroville Dam, filming of the movie Robin Hood and the life of Erle Stanley Gardner.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida