Browse Museums

Agricultural Research Service Science Hall of Fame
Beltsville, Maryland

Culture, History, Library, Science, Specialized

The men and women who have been inducted into the ARS Science Hall of Fame represent a very special group of scientists—the best of the best. The most recent inductees (September 2009) are dairy scientist Max J. Paape, geneticist J. Neil Rutger and soil scientist B.A. Stewart.

Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Railroad Museum
Baltimore, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Science, Specialized

On Presidents’ Day, February 16, 2003, amid a record-breaking snowfall, one half of the Museum’s massive roof collapsed. The collapse occurred as a result of the weight of drifting snow on the western side of the building. Eyewitness accounts depict the drifts nearly six feet in depth. The first alarm was received at approximately 11:40 PM on February 16th. Museum officials responded to find two sections of the 22-sectioned roof collapsed. Two more sections fell on the opposite side of the building around 5:30 AM the following morning. The remaining seven sections caved in before 9:00 AM on the 17th.

Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum Inc
Baltimore, Maryland

Archaeology, Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Natural History, Nature Centers, Park

Encompassing 142 acres, with various facilities and extensive nature trails, the primary focus of this site is cultural and natural history. The Historical Park & Museum is dedicated to the legacy of the Colonial farmer, clockmaker, mathematician, astronomer,and Federal Territority surveyor, Benjamin Banneker, known as the first African American man of science.

Captain Avery Museum, Inc
Shady Side, Maryland

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Captain Avery Museum property is uniquely significant for its dual period of interpretation. From 1860 to 1890, the property was owned by Captain Salem Avery and the property remained in the family until 1920. Avery came to the Chesapeake from Long Island where his family had been sea captains for several generations. The Museum’s collections include artifacts from the Avery family, notably the family Bible given to Mrs. Avery as a wedding gift. Other artifacts in the Avery family house reflect the furnishings of the time, many having been donated by local families. The house is typical of many watermen’s families in the area and the history of their daily life is interpreted by artifacts in common use during the period.

Columbia Archives
Columbia, Maryland

General, History, Library, Specialized

Columbia Archives is the primary resource on Columbia and James Rouse as evidenced by the level of researchers and their work. Authors Josh Olson (Better Places, Better Lives, A Biography of James Rouse); Ann Forsyth (ReForming Suburbia); Nicholas Bloom (Suburban Alchemy and Merchant of Illusion: James Rouse); Paul Marx (Jim Rouse Capitalist/Idealist) and Joseph Mitchell and David Stebenne (New City Upon A Hill) and film maker Kim Skeen (Global Harbors) have made extensive use of the collection.

Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum
Baltimore, Maryland

General, History, Historic House, Library

The house is a small 2 1/2 story brick duplex (now part of a row of houses), containing 5 rooms. First floor: parlor (front) and kitchen (rear). Second floor: 2 bedrooms. Top floor: 1 bedroom (assigned by most biographers as Poe’s room, although others believe that he used the rear bedroom and that Virginia used the small attic bedroom). The stairs for both floors are very narrow and winding, especially those leading to the top floor. At some point after Poe’s residence, the back of the building was extended by about 4 feet. This extension remains, although the original size can be seen in the changing floorboards.

Ellicott City Firehouse Museum
Ellicott City, Maryland

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Specialized

Located in the County’s first firehouse at the intersection of Main St. and Church Rd. in Historic Ellicott City, the Firehouse Museum houses a wide array of fire apparatus, model toys, and an impressive visual history of Howard County’s Volunteer Fire Department. The firehouse was constructed by volunteers in 1889 and after 1923 used as a meeting hall, county office space, and library reading room before opening as a museum.

F. Brooke Whiting Museum of Art
Cumberland, Maryland

Art, General, History, Historic House, Library

The F. Brooke Whiting House & Museum is a 1911 bungalow of stucco plaster that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. George Sansbury, a notable Cumberland architect, designed the boyhood home of F. Brooke Whiting. The home is furnished with family antiques, eclectic collections, and a vast library.

Friend Family Association
Friendsville, Maryland

General, History, Library

The purpose of the Friend Family Association of America is to collect, record, preserve, and share the history of all family groups, to strengthen all family relationships, and to deepen appreciation for those who came before us and the values they cherished.

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center
Church Creek, Maryland

Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Nature Centers, Park, Specialized

Harriet Tubman was a deeply spiritual woman who lived her ideals and dedicated her life to freedom. She is the Underground Railroad’s best known conductor and before the Civil War repeatedly risked her life to guide nearly 70 enslaved people north to new lives of freedom. This new national historical park preserves the same landscapes that Tubman used to carry herself and others away from slavery.

American Visionary Art Museum
Baltimore, Maryland

Art, Children's, Culture, General, History, Library

Nestled at the base of historic Federal Hill in the southside of Baltimore's beautiful Inner Harbor, the American Visionary Art Museum is a unique and exciting venue for receptions, meetings, and special events. Not only is the museum the national repository for the artworks created by self-taught artists, the building's architecture is an artistic creation unto itself -winning many international and national awards for its design and beauty. Our venue is easily accessible by foot (a 15 minute walk from the Convention Center) or by water transport (Water Taxi or Harbor Shuttle) and convenient to all of Baltimore's downtown attractions.

Baltimore Streetcar Museum
Baltimore, Maryland

Children's, History, Historical Society, Library, Specialized

You'll be a really "cool" parent if you book the Baltimore Streetcar Museum for your child's next birthday, Bar/Bat Mitzvah or graduation party. When you book the Museum, you will have use of our Visitor's Center facilities. Our auditorium features our own "Trolley Theatre" in which children can watch a video about streetcars or perhaps you'd like to bring your own along to show. Add you own ice cream, cake, munchies and gifts, and you'll be the talk of your child's friends and parents. (Please note that you are responsible for providing party food, favors and decorations.)

Bowie State University Center for Natural Science, Mathematics and Nursing
Bowie, Maryland

Anthropology, Arboretum, Archaeology, Library, Natural History, Science, Specialized, University

The Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Nursing is one of the region’s premier centers for transformational learning and research. Here, students are empowered to discover a passion for their studies and achieve success in their future careers.

Catonsville Historical Society
Catonsville, Maryland

Botanical Garden, Cemetery, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Catonsville Historical Society Inc., is a non-profit organization that was organized in 1973 after the late Mrs. Robert Townsend had bequeathed her home and, her collection of 18th and early 19th century antiques to the Society. Her decorator workshop, which was next to the house, was later remodeled and enlarged for an office, meeting room, and museum to house Catonsville memorabilia. The enlarged and remodeled area ultimately became the Pullen Museum. The Society currently maintains a membership of over 700 people, runs tours of the Townsend House and Pullen Museum, and hosts a variety of activities. Additionally there is a Genealogy Section of the Society that meets once a month.

Dundalk Patapsco Neck Historical Society and Museum
Dundalk, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Historical Society, Library, Military, Park

Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 5:00 PM and Saturday 10:00Am - 2:00 pm Our Christmas Season train garden is from December 5, 12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM 7 days a week closed Christmas Day to January 8.

Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture
Salisbury, Maryland

Archaeology, Culture, General, History, Library, University

The mission of the Nabb Research Center is to cultivate and sustain the advancement of scholarly research through collecting, preserving, disseminating and providing access to records and artifacts which illustrate the rich historical and cultural heritage of the greater Delmarva region.

Evergreen Museum & Library
Baltimore, Maryland

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Park, University

Built in 1858 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Evergreen House is a magnificent 48-room Italianate mansion on 26 wooded acres in Baltimore. Formerly the home of two generations of Baltimore's prominent Garrett family, Evergreen House and its collection of over 50,000 objects were bequeathed to the Johns Hopkins University in 1942 with the stipulation that the estate remain open to "lovers of music, art, and beautiful things." Since opening to the public in 1990, Evergreen House has surpassed mere historic preservation to creatively respond to the Garretts' legacy.

Frederick County Landmarks Foundation
Frederick, Maryland

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Specialized

The Frederick County Landmarks Foundation is an organization that seeks to actively pursue the preservation of historic sites; structures, natural landmarks, and communities of Frederick County, Maryland and to increase the knowledge and appreciation of all of the above.

To this end, we have helped restore and preserve sites such as Schifferstadt, and the Beatty-Cramer house.

At these sites, Landmarks heads different events; Oktoberfest and Bell and History Days at Schifferstadt, Living History Days at Beatty-Cramer. These events both involve the community and make them aware of the importance of historic sites and buildings under Landmarks' care.

Glenn L Martin Maryland Aviation Museum
Middle River, Maryland

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Military, Science, Specialized

The admission entitles visitors to explore the main Museum and adjacent Gallery and receive a guided tour of the airplanes in the flight line at Strawberry Point. On certain days the Restoration Gallery is also available to visitors over 18 years old.

Historical Society of Carroll County
Westminster, Maryland

History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Founded in 1939 to save the historic Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House, the Society now owns three properties on Westminster's Main Street: the Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House (1807), the Kimmey House (c.1800) and Cockey's (c.1820). The Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House have been restored to its original appearance and exhibits artifacts from the time period of the first owners (1807-1842). The Kimmey House houses the Research Library, Shriver-Weybright Gallery and administrative offices. Cockey's has undergone extensive renovation and is now open for community use. The new Shop at Cockey's features books and gift items, including many by local artisans.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida