Browse Museums

Airborne and Special Operations Museum
Fayetteville, North Carolina

History, Library, Military, Specialized

Designed by Michael West of the architectural firm of Calloway, Johnson, Moore & West in Winston-Salem, NC, the dramatic 59,000 square-foot building is highlighted by the 5,000 square-foot, five-story high open lobby area. The lobby exhibit is accented by natural light from the glass walls and surrounding high mounted windows. The lobby exhibit features two fully deployed parachutes, a WWII era T-5 round chute and a modern MC-4 square chute. The round parachute represents the origins of airborne forces, and the integration of airborne forces into conventional warfare. The square parachute represents the cutting edge of modern special operations, and the unconventional warfare they continue to engage in.

Angela Peterson Doll and Miniature Museum
High Point, North Carolina


Biltmore Estate
Asheville, North Carolina


Carolina Bronze Sculpture Garden and Foundry
Seagrove, North Carolina

Art, Botanical Garden, Culture, Park, Specialized

The Carolina Bronze Sculpture Garden is a natural and landscaped area overlooking a beautiful 1.25 acre pond. A walking trail loops around the pond with benches and a picnic area situated along the trail. The Sculpture Garden collection consists of donated and loaned sculptures that represent emerging and established artists working in all 3D media suitable for the outdoors. As an extension of this park we are installing several sculptures in the downtown area of Seagrove.

Edgecombe County Veterans Military Museum
Tarboro, North Carolina

History, Military, Specialized

We honor veterans of Edgecombe County.

JFK Special Warfare Museum
Fort Bragg, North Carolina

History, Military, Specialized

The JFK Special Warfare Museum is the regimental museum for the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets), Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations. The museum houses artifacts from World War I until the present.

National Railroad Museum and Hall of Fame, Inc.
Hamlet, North Carolina

General, History, Specialized

Located in the old Seaboard Air Line Railway's depot. Victorian architecture and one of the most photographed rail stations in the Eastern US

Richard Petty Museum
Randleman, North Carolina

Culture, History, Specialized

NASCAR meusem depicting the racing career of legendary Winston Cup champion Richard Petty. The Petty Museum presents the unparalleled success story of one of the founding families of stock car racing, the drive for engineering excellence, and the technical inventiveness, innovation and ingenuity that made it all possible.

Textile Heritage Museum
Burlington, North Carolina

Culture, History, Historic House, Military, Park, Specialized

The Textile Heritage Museum established in 2004 is one of the few museums in the Southeastern United States, which shares the history and culture of the early 19th and 20th century Textile Industry era. There are more than 2,000 artifacts inside this 6,000 square foot original mill building that was once the company store and management office.

Wilmington Railroad Museum
Wilmington, North Carolina


We tell the story of the railroads and the people who worked on them. Our particular emphasis is on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, headquartered in Wilmington for over 125 years. Attractions for all ages include historical displays, railroad life re-creations, full size steam locomotive and caboose, lively Children's Hall for young visitors, and spectacular HO model layout. Housed in an authentic 1880s freight warehouse, the Museum is fully accessible with a well appointed Gift Shop for distinctive purchases.

American Military Museum of Gastonia
Gastonia, North Carolina

History, Military, Specialized

Displays from Indian War,Civil War, WWI,WWII, Korea,Vietnam,Irac and a large library of miitary history. We are fortunate to have a beutiful display of Medal of honor recipiant General Raymond G. Davis,four star General of the Marine Corps. We have a large display of German, Japanese and Russian artifacts and weapons.

Apple Valley Model RR Club
Hendersonville, North Carolina

History, Historic House, Specialized

he Apple Valley Model RR Club is open to the public with model RR layouts both inside and outside the historic 1902 Hendersonville depot and maintains a museum of railroad artifacts for the benefit of the public. The club also maintains the adjacent city-owned Southern Railway caboose open during club hours.

C. Grier Beam Truck Museum
Cherryville, North Carolina

History, Specialized

Features the history of the Carolina Freight Company and its founder, C. Grier Beam. Collection inlcudes l4 Carolina Freight trucks.

Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum
Gibsonville, North Carolina

Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Specialized

The Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum commemorates the work of Dr. Brown and exposes visitors to life in the 1900s. The Museum provides an opportunity to learn about North Carolina's history with an emphasis on the education of African Americans. Visitors explore the benefits and challenges associated with education during the times of segregation. Most importantly, the Museum depicts the evolution of the school Dr. Brown founded, Palmer Memorial Institute, from an agriculturally-based education to one of academic rigor.

Estes-Winn Antique Automobile Museum
Asheville, North Carolina


A walk through exhibit of 20 antique cars and l922 LaFrance fire engines with brief descriptions of each vehicle

Memory Lane Motorsports and Historical Automotive Museum
Mooresville, North Carolina

General, History, Specialized

Featuring over 150 vehicles on display, this unique museum is a fabulous collection of automobiles and related items. Memory Lane was honored as the "Best of 2003? by the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) for outstanding achievement in the preservation of automotive history". Over 15 different types of race cars on display from Soap derby's, drag cars, to Winston Cup Stock and NASCAR cars. Visit our display of wrecked race cars displaying the safety features as they have developed over the years.

North Carolina Transportation Museum at Historic Spencer Shops
Spencer, North Carolina

General, History, Specialized

The North Carolina Transportation Museum is located on the site of what was once Southern Railway Company's largest steam locomotive repair facility. The site features an authentic train depot, antique automobiles, and a 37-bay Roundhouse that includes 25 locomotives, dozens of rail cars and other exhibit areas. The museum offers seasonal train rides, guided tours for scheduled groups, and special events scheduled throughout the year.
The N.C. Transportation Museum is part of the Division of State Historic Sites, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources. The Department of Cultural Resources is a state agency dedicated to the promotion and protection of North Carolina's arts, history and culture. Additional support for the museum and its programs are provided by the N.C.

Swannanoa Valley Museum
Black Mountain, North Carolina

Archaeology, Children's, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Military, Specialized

We offer hikes, tours, and daycations weekly. Visit for more information.

The Country Doctor Museum
Bailey, North Carolina

History, Specialized

This quaint museum is housed in two 19th century doctors' offices. It includes the 1857 office of Howard Franklin Freeman, MD, and an Apothecary Shop with cabinets from the late 1800s. Some apothecary jars and bottles still contain their original medicinal ingredients. The museum's collections all pay tribute to the rural practice of medicine including surgical sets, blood letting instruments, Civil War era instruments and microscopes. The Art of Nursing exhibit features nursing uniforms, memorabilia and an Iron Lung from the polio epidemics. The Carriage House boasts a saddle, horse-drawn buggy, and two vintage Model T's.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida