Browse Museums

Agricultural Research Service Science Hall of Fame
Beltsville, Maryland

Culture, History, Library, Science, Specialized

The men and women who have been inducted into the ARS Science Hall of Fame represent a very special group of scientists—the best of the best. The most recent inductees (September 2009) are dairy scientist Max J. Paape, geneticist J. Neil Rutger and soil scientist B.A. Stewart.

Baltimore Museum of Industry
Baltimore, Maryland


Chesapeake Children’s Museum
Annapolis, Maryland

Art, Children's, Natural History, Nature Centers, Science

The mission of Chesapeake Children's Museum is to create an environment of discovery about oneself, the peoples, the technologies, and the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay area for all our children and for the children in us all.

Cylburn Arboretum Association,
Baltimore, Maryland

Arboretum, Botanical Garden, Children's, Church, General, History, Historic House, Nature Centers, Park, Science

A wonderful groundbreaking ceremony for the new Visitors’ Orientation and Education Center was held on June 3, 2008 and was a resounding success! The new 10,000 square foot state of the art “green” building is a public-private partnership among the Cylburn Arboretum Association, the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, the Horticultural Society of Maryland and Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks.

Glenn L Martin Maryland Aviation Museum
Middle River, Maryland

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Military, Science, Specialized

The admission entitles visitors to explore the main Museum and adjacent Gallery and receive a guided tour of the airplanes in the flight line at Strawberry Point. On certain days the Restoration Gallery is also available to visitors over 18 years old.

Maryland Science Center
Baltimore, Maryland


National Children's Museum
National Harbor, Maryland

Art, Children's, General, Science

Opening December 14, 2012, the National Children’s Museum (NCM) is a nationally recognized cultural and educational institution serving children and families onsite and through national partners and programs. The Museum’s exhibits and innovative educational programs spark the imagination and celebrate the true power of children, motivating them to become people who make a difference in the world.

National Electronics Museum
Linthicum, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Library, Military, Science, Specialized

As the founders envisioned it, the museum is a place for visitors to be exposed to the technological achievements and advances by the aforementioned companies and others like them. It also allows those people who have been involved with the objects to look back and share their accomplishments. The National Electronics Museum has evolved into an institution that not only appeals to engineers, but to students and the non-technical public as well. We offer people the opportunity to see and experience the "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" of the defense electronics industry.

Natural History Society of Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland

Anthropology, Archaeology, Children's, General, History, Library, Natural History, Nature Centers, Science, Specialized

The Natural History Society of Maryland (NHSM) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation founded in 1929. Its extensive collections of Maryland flora, fauna, fossils, and minerals, dating back to the early 1800’s, are a rare and valuable asset to the State of Maryland. Many of the items that were on display in the Natural History Museum in Druid Hill Park from 1936 to the early 1970’s are still in our collection.

Rock Hall Museum
Rock Hall, Maryland

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Science, Specialized

In Rock Hall, all roads lead to water. And all water eventually flows to one of the world's greatest estuaries, the Chesapeake Bay. With the advantage of easy access to the Chester River, Gray's Inn Creek and Swan Creek as well as a direct link to the Bay from Rock Hall Harbor, water-related occupations shaped Rock Hall's economic and cultural development from the very beginning…and continue to do so today. In the early years, the Bay served as a commercial link with more populated areas.

Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Railroad Museum
Baltimore, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Science, Specialized

On Presidents’ Day, February 16, 2003, amid a record-breaking snowfall, one half of the Museum’s massive roof collapsed. The collapse occurred as a result of the weight of drifting snow on the western side of the building. Eyewitness accounts depict the drifts nearly six feet in depth. The first alarm was received at approximately 11:40 PM on February 16th. Museum officials responded to find two sections of the 22-sectioned roof collapsed. Two more sections fell on the opposite side of the building around 5:30 AM the following morning. The remaining seven sections caved in before 9:00 AM on the 17th.

Bowie State University Center for Natural Science, Mathematics and Nursing
Bowie, Maryland

Anthropology, Arboretum, Archaeology, Library, Natural History, Science, Specialized, University

The Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Nursing is one of the region’s premier centers for transformational learning and research. Here, students are empowered to discover a passion for their studies and achieve success in their future careers.

Chesapeake Heritage Conservancy, Inc.
Havre de Grace, Maryland

Culture, General, History, Natural History, Science, Specialized

The MARTHA LEWIS project is an ambition whose realization will depend entirely on the energy and vision of those who come forward to continue it. It is also another test, an open question to those with the vision to answer, of our ability to manage our Chesapeake heritage before parts of it are erased completel

Gaithersburg Community Museum
Gaithersburg, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Historical Society, Science

Local history full steam ahead at the Gaithersburg Community Museum! Located in the restored 1884 B&O Railroad complex in Olde Towne, the museum bridges Gaithersburg’s past and present for visitors of all ages. Exhibits in the Freight House and rail cars explore our rich history and hands-on learning centers for children spark the imagination. The Station, an active commuter stop, houses dining and restroom facilities, and the outdoor interpretive spaces, with the ever-popular rolling stock, offer the possibility of experiencing the sights and sounds of the trains that frequently rumble past the Museum.

Howard B Owens Science Center
Lanham-Seabrook, Maryland


NASA/Goddard Visitor Center and Museum
Greenbelt, Maryland


National Cryptologic Museum Foundation
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland

History, Military, Science, Specialized

What is “Cryptology” anyway? The term has both defensive and offensive aspects. It is the term we use to refer to the arts and sciences involved in both protecting one’s information from unintended recipients, and also in exploiting an adversaries’ information. There are practical needs for cryptology in many segments of today’s information age and there is a colorful history associated with: 1) the evolution of the technologies that have evolved to fill these needs, 2) the people and organizations that have been active in the area, and 3) the importance of some of the results. A unique unclassified look at some of this colorful history is presented in the National Cryptologic Museum.. The museum is indeed unique! It should also be viewed as a long-term work in progress.

National Museum of Health and Medicine
Silver Spring, Maryland

General, History, Library, Military, Science, Specialized, University

The Historical Collections document changes in medical technology since the early 19th century. Included in this growing assemblage of more than 12,000 objects are X-ray equipment, microscopes, surgical instruments, numismatics and anatomical models.

Radio & Television Museum
Bowie, Maryland

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Science, Specialized

In March, 1999, RHS President Ed Walker and the City of Bowie signed a long-term lease agreement for The Radio and Television Museum. This fully restored, turn-of-the century building is located on a lovely corner lot in the City of Bowie, conveniently located, just off of Route 50 and the Beltway, near Washington, DC.

Schifferstadt Architectural Museum
Frederick, Maryland

General, History, Historic House, Science

Frederick County Landmarks Foundation owns and operates Schifferstadt Architectural Museum which is one of the finest examples of German colonial architecture in the country.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida