Browse Museums

Airmen Memorial Museum
Suitland, Maryland

History, Military, Specialized

The AMM is dedicated to collecting, documenting, preserving and telling the stories of the enlisted personnel who have served this nation honorably with skill, dedication and compassion for nearly one hundred years. Information preserved at the museum is made available through our displays, educational inserts, annual calendars, monographs, and the AMM unique enlisted airmen history book: Unsung Heroes: A History of Enlisted Airmen From the Dawn of Flight to Desert Storm. The museum collects the individual stories of enlisted service members through Airman Survey questionnaires. The AMM also tells the enlisted story through the SERGEANTS magazine, published monthly by AFSA.

Barbara Fritchie House
Frederick, Maryland

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Military, Specialized

Reconstructed house of Barbara Fritchie, heroine of John Greenleaf Whittier's poem from the Civil War. "Shoot if you must, this old gray head, but spare your country's flag, she said" while leaning out an upstairs window.

Dr. Lamar's Sanitarium
Middletown, Maryland

History, Historic House, Military

Explore Dr. Lamar's Sanitarium and see his original operating room, equipment, books and medicines dating back to the early 1900's. Civil War memorabilia is on display and the public can use a codigraph machine that accesses old Valley Register newspapers dating back to the 1800's.

Epiphany Chapel & Church House: Only WWI Chapel in the United States
Odenton, Maryland

Church, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military

Discovering Epiphany Chapel and Church House is like finding a valuable coin mixed in a jar of pennies you had almost forgotten. The front stoop is worn where so many feet have passed, the center floor beam is weighed down with memories, and a discernible spirit of hospitality shines like the patina on the old oak furniture. Epiphany Chapel and Church House is worn but far from worn out. It's an ordinary little church with an extra-ordinary history and an important role for the future of military chaplaincy and the work of the Church in Odenton and beyond. The Chapel's astounding story of commitment and faith has emerged from many pages of news articles, reports, letters, photographs, and detailed daily schedules. It is a story about difficult times and extra-ordinary people.

Fort George G. Meade Museum - CLOSED
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland


The Fort George Meade Museum is permanently closed and will not re-open in the future.

National Cryptologic Museum Foundation
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland

History, Military, Science, Specialized

What is “Cryptology” anyway? The term has both defensive and offensive aspects. It is the term we use to refer to the arts and sciences involved in both protecting one’s information from unintended recipients, and also in exploiting an adversaries’ information. There are practical needs for cryptology in many segments of today’s information age and there is a colorful history associated with: 1) the evolution of the technologies that have evolved to fill these needs, 2) the people and organizations that have been active in the area, and 3) the importance of some of the results. A unique unclassified look at some of this colorful history is presented in the National Cryptologic Museum.. The museum is indeed unique! It should also be viewed as a long-term work in progress.

National Museum of Civil War Medicine
Frederick, Maryland


The Rising Sun Inn
Crownsville, Maryland

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military

The Rising Sun Inn is a rare surviving example of pre-Revolutionary planter's framed-house built circa 1753 and was established as a tavern in 1785. Located on the famed Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary route, the Inn is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

Baltimore Civil War Museum
Baltimore, Maryland

History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military, Specialized

Baltimore Civil War Museum presenting Baltimore & Maryland Civil War History, History of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad, builder of President Street Station & use of PWBRR by Underground Railroad

Central Maryland Heritage League, Inc.
Middletown, Maryland

Church, History, Historic House, Military

Since 1983, the Central Maryland Heritage League has grown from a battlefield protection group. While the South Mountain State Battlefield is one of our prime initiatives, the organization has acquired Dahlgren Chapel, the private family chapel of Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren, located atop South Mountain and the Lamar Center, the site of Dr. Austin A. Lamar's surgical suite and home located in downtown historical Middletown, Maryland. These preservation efforts, coupled with our focus on the education of our cultural and natural heritage in the Middletown Valley and throughout Central Maryland, is the ongoing initiative of our organization.

Dundalk Patapsco Neck Historical Society and Museum
Dundalk, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Historical Society, Library, Military, Park

Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 5:00 PM and Saturday 10:00Am - 2:00 pm Our Christmas Season train garden is from December 5, 12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM 7 days a week closed Christmas Day to January 8.

Fort George G Meade Museum
Odenton, Maryland

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military, Specialized

The Fort George G. Meade Museum was established to collect, preserve, study and exhibit historical artifacts pertaining to the history of Fort George G. Meade. The Museum is dedicated "in proud memory of those members of the United States Army who died in the defense of Freedom".

Glenn L Martin Maryland Aviation Museum
Middle River, Maryland

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Military, Science, Specialized

The admission entitles visitors to explore the main Museum and adjacent Gallery and receive a guided tour of the airplanes in the flight line at Strawberry Point. On certain days the Restoration Gallery is also available to visitors over 18 years old.

National Electronics Museum
Linthicum, Maryland

Children's, General, History, Library, Military, Science, Specialized

As the founders envisioned it, the museum is a place for visitors to be exposed to the technological achievements and advances by the aforementioned companies and others like them. It also allows those people who have been involved with the objects to look back and share their accomplishments. The National Electronics Museum has evolved into an institution that not only appeals to engineers, but to students and the non-technical public as well. We offer people the opportunity to see and experience the "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" of the defense electronics industry.

National Museum of Health and Medicine
Silver Spring, Maryland

General, History, Library, Military, Science, Specialized, University

The Historical Collections document changes in medical technology since the early 19th century. Included in this growing assemblage of more than 12,000 objects are X-ray equipment, microscopes, surgical instruments, numismatics and anatomical models.

US Army Ordnance Museum
Aberdeen, Maryland

General, History, Military, Park, Science, Specialized

The United States Army Ordnance Museum is in the PROCESS OF MOVING TO FT LEE, VIRGINA. The Museum is no longer open to the public. The interior galleries have been closed and are relocating to Ft Lee. THE MOVE TO FT LEE IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN 2012. There is no longer an operational website or email access for the museum; phone only.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida