Browse Museums

Barron County Historical Society Pioneer Village Museum
Cameron, Wisconsin

Church, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Military, Natural History

Pioneer Village: Nestled among a 35 acre pine grove, with 37 buildings several original log cabins locally built and furnished in the 1800,s. A climate controlled building with 36 cubicles filled with antique guns,clothing,cars and history items. Open from Memorial Day to Labor Day Thursday thru Sunday with special events on week ends.

Burnett County Histoical Society
Danbury, Wisconsin

Cemetery, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Military, Park

The Burnett County Historical Society is located at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park - an 80 acre site with an authentic, restored 1802-1804 Fur Post and a Woodland Indian Village. The Society manages the Historic Site as well as a History Library, restored 1800 school house and soon a logging museum.

Civil War Museum
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Archaeology, Culture, General, History, Library, Military

Located in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the Civil War Museum is like no other museum in the country. No current museum explores this war as seen and experienced on the home front nor the connections between the home front and the battle front. Through state-of-the-art museum technology, life-size dioramas, and interactive engaging exhibits, visitors travel back in history to the social, political and economic influences that contributed to the Civil War.

Dinosaur Discovery Museum
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Anthropology, Archaeology, Children's, Culture, General, History, Library, Natural History, Nature Centers, Science

Learn about the evolution of meat-eating dinosaurs to birds in this new museum! See skeletons from the size of a chicken to T=rex - all for free!

Forts Folle Avoine Historic Park
Danbury, Wisconsin

Archaeology, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Park

200 years ago the North West Company and the XY Company built fur trade posts along the banks of the Yellow River. Today those fur trade companies are on center stage at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park.

First discovered in a state archeological dig in 1969, the site is now on the National Register of Historic Sites. The fur trade site includes four reconstructed 1802-1804 trade houses on the site where they originally were located. Traditionally dressed interpreters provide living history tours. The site also includes a representative Woodland Indian Village.

Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Culture, History, Historical Society, Library

Through interactive displays, a focused education program and special events, the Museum conveys the history of Milwaukee's Jewish community in a way that emphasizes the American values of tolerance, respect, freedom and celebration of diversity. Experience the journey to America, the struggles of building a new life, the chilling facts of the Holocaust and the growth of a vibrant culture and community.

Kenosha Public Museum
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Culture, General, History, Library, Military, Natural History, Science

Established in 1934 -The Kenosha Public Museum is an accredited natural science and fine arts museum located in the heart of beautiful downtown Kenosha Wisconsin. Free General Admission every day, the 2001 facility shares a campus on the beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline with The Civil War Museum. Permanent exhibits include: The Wisconsin Story, Woolly mammoth excavated in Kenosha County, four season Native American Village, fine arts gallery displaying world class art by Chagall, Picasso and Dali. Children’s Field Station, a popular hands-on arts and sciences activity area. Enjoy changing exhibits and free family programs and events.

McFarland Historical Society Museum
McFarland, Wisconsin

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The McFarland Historical Society is presently run by a small volunteer board. In the late fall a new theme is chosen for the following spring opening. A theme display is set up in the front window and a more elaborate exhibit is gathered and set up in the foyer of the museum. This display is kept up for the following season, opening on Memorial Day. Docents are present while the museum is open on Sunday afternoons all summer. Special tours are also available at other times and throughout the year by appointment.

Milwaukee County Historical Society
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Park

Located in the historic Second Ward Savings Bank (built in 1913), the Milwaukee County Historical Society provides visitors with a glimpse at unique architecture and rotating exhibitions. The exhibits explore Milwaukee County's past, the achievemtns of its people and the community's ties to the state and nation.

In addition, the Historical Society regularly hosts nationally acclaimed traveling exhibitions from such organizations as the Gilder Lehrman Institute and the Smithsonian Institution.

The Historical Society also boasts an extensive research library, which houses naturalization papers and government records, photographs, maps, letters, personal documents and diaries.

Milwaukee Public Library
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Black Earth History Center
Black Earth, Wisconsin

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

In addition to owning and maintaining the Black Earth History Center at the 100+ year-old former Congregational Church on Blue Mounds Street, the Black Earth Historical Society also owns, maintains, and operates the museum in the colorfully-restored 1860s railroad depot on Mills Street.

Charles Allis Art Museum
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Art, Botanical Garden, Culture, History, Historic House, Library

Designed by prominent Milwaukee architect Alexander Eschweiler for Charles Allis, the first president of Allis Chalmers, and his wife Sarah in 1911, this unique Tudor-style mansion and art collection was built with the sole purpose of bequeathing it to the public to delight, educate and inspire. The permanent collection features 19th Century French and American Paintings, Chinese and Japanese porcelains, Renaissance bronzes, Japanese netsuke, and original antique furnishings.

Crivitz-Stephenson Historical Society
Crivitz, Wisconsin

History, Historical Society, Library

A collection of area history areas included: Village of Crivitz, Towns of Stephenson, Lake, Middle Inlet Lake Noquebay Area and Peshtigo River flowages

EAA AirVenture Museum
Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Children's, Culture, General, History, Library, Military, Science, Specialized

Located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, at the site of the world’s largest aviation event (EAA AirVenture) the Museum is one of the most extensive aviation attractions in the world, a year-round destination for the entire family. Come and explore our world-class displays and galleries.

George W. Brown Jr. Ojibwe Museum & Cultural Center
Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin

Culture, Library

The George W. Brown Museum is Located on the Lac du Flambeau Ojibwe Reservation. Our Museum is about the History of the Lac du Flambeau Community and the Culture of the Ojibwe Native American. We emphasize on the survival of our people and living within the seasons of out outstanding 4 season diorama centrally located. We also have many beadwork and birch bark displays.

Larson, Wisconsin

Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The purpose of the Winchester Area Historical Society’s John J & Ethel Keller Local History Center & Library is to provide a library facility along with research and educational materials to the community for the purpose of researching and preserving area history and family histories.

La Crosse Pub. Library Archives/Local
La Crosse, Wisconsin


Merrill Historical Museum
Merrill, Wisconsin

Culture, History, Historical Society, Library

Currently we have three buildings: one houses our office/library; a second (converted church building)houses exhibits and provides meeting space; the third is a storage facility for artifacts. We are in the process of constructing an addition to the former church structure that will allow us to combine the office, library, and exhibit areas. Also, in conjunction with the County Fair Board, we operate the Brickyard Country School Museum during the fair and in September for first grade classes.

Milwaukee County Zoo
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Anthropology, Aquarium, Arboretum, Archaeology, Botanical Garden, Children's, History, Library, Natural History, Nature Centers

The year 2010 will offer visitors dynamic special exhibits and activities for kids and adults. Our summer exhibit, “Adventure Dinosaur!” will feature a prehistoric park, with more than 25 dinosaurs – lurking, moving and rumbling in their tropical outdoor habitat. The exhibit runs May 29 – September 6, and is $2.50 per person after regular Zoo admission.

Mishicot Historical Museum
Mishicot, Wisconsin

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Mishicot Historical Museum is located in a former one-room schoolhouse at the corner of Randolph and Buchanan Streets in Mishicot.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida