Browse Museums

African-American Heritage Family Tree Museum
Ansted, West Virginia

Culture, History

The museum contains artifacts of educator Booker T. Washington and Carter G. Woodson. Nearby, Talcot is home to the Big Bend Tunnel where legendary steel-drivin man John Henry helpd to building tunnel through a mile of rock.

Arthurdale New Deal Homestead Museum
Arthurdale, West Virginia

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library

Arthurdale is the nation's first New Deal Homestead Community. It provided a chance for coal miners and others suffering from the effects of the Great Depression. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was an active force behind the project, was active in its progress and visited often. She handed out high school graduation diplomas from 1935 to 1944 and often invited graduates to dine at the White House.

Barbour County Historical Society Museum
Phillippi, West Virginia

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Museum reorganizing to celebrate the 150th celebration of the First Land Battle of the Civil War in 2011. Included in admission donation is admission to the Philippi Mummies.

Bice-Ferguson Memorial Museum
Shinnston, West Virginia

General, History, Library

Will be adding Pictures and memorabilia from Shinnston High School this spring. Also added 2700 sq ft of exhibition area.

Cass Historical Museum
Cass, West Virginia

History, Specialized

Collis P. Huntington Railroad Historical Society
Huntington, West Virginia

Culture, History, Historical Society, Library, Specialized

The Collis P. Huntington Railroad Historical Society (CPH) is one of 160 National Railway Historical Societies in the United States. Founded in 1959, and became a part of the NRHS in 1959. Our goals as a chapter are: “Preserve documents and artifacts of railroad history, to promote the use and improvement of the present railroad industry, to acquire and restore rolling stock for display and operations, and to generally encourage public interest in the ongoing story of the North American railroads.”

Harpers Ferry National Historical Association, Inc.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia


Henerson Hall Historical District
Williamstown, West Virginia

History, Historic House, Specialized

Historic Shepherdstown Museum
Shepherdstown, West Virginia


International Mother's Day Shrine & Museum
Grafton, West Virginia

Culture, History

The Mother's Day Shrine and Museum was established in the memory of Anna Marie Jarvis by her daughter Anna Jarvis in 1908. Nearing our centennial year, we seek to preserve, promote, and develop through education the Spirit of Motherhood. Exhibits vary throughout the year, reflect on the culture and heritage of our community of Grafton West Virginia. The authentic sanctuary is used for weddings, musical programs, and community gatherings.

Anna Jarvis Birthplace Museum
Grafton, West Virginia

Culture, History, Historic House, Military

A Wooden two-story structure that was built in 1854 by Granville Jarvis and occupied by the family for several years. 95% is orginal, so it takes you back in time. We have over 5000 items on display.

Avampato Discovery Museum at the Clay Center for the Arts & Sciences
Charleston, West Virginia

Art, Children's, Culture, History, Planetarium, Science

With more than 9,000 square feet of gallery space, the art gallery houses the museum’s Permanent Collection as well as important, large-scale traveling exhibitions. The museum’s movable wall system and high ceiling allow the display of large 2-D or 3-D artworks. The art gallery has sophisticated climate control and lighting systems. With striking interior architecture complemented by dramatic views from on the three-story atrium, each visit is sure to be memorable.

Beauchamp-Newman Museum
Elizabeth, West Virginia

History, Historic House

The Beauchamp-Newman Museum, long known as the “Old Red Brick” is the oldest brick building in Elizabeth. It was built around 1835-40, by Alfred Beauchamp, grandson of the first settler in the community. It is believed that the bricks were made from local clay deposits on his land, probably by slaves.

Campbell Flannagan Murrell House Museum
Hinton, West Virginia

History, Historic House

Known as Hinton's oldest standing residential structure, the house was built before 1875 by Mr. Edgar Campbell and his wife, Elizabeth. The Campbells operated a general store, one of the first merchants in Hinton, out of the basement portion of the home. Little has changed since the home was constructed over a century ago. The entrance of the general store remains essentially the same today as it did in 1875.

Charleston Police Museum
Charleston, West Virginia


DuBois on Main
Mount Hope, West Virginia

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society

We are a small local museum filled with donations of DuBois related items from students and friends. We encourage visits by having no fee. We encourage yearly membership. We plan events that educate about DuBois students They had a rough time, but made it through. We hope to have others learn from that and not allow themselves to be victimized by their poverty.

Helvetia Museum
Helvetia, West Virginia


Henry Cooper Centennial Cabin Museum
Parkersburg, West Virginia

History, Historical Society

Believed to have been constructed about 1805 by Henry Cooper, one of the first settlers of Wood County, this two-story log house was originally located on Elizabeth Pike at Mineral Wells about nine miles from Parkersburg. It was situated on a several hundred-acre plot of ground. In 1910 it was dismantled and moved to the City Park to serve as part of the city's centennial observance that year of its incorporation as a town and its renaming as "Parkersburg." In 1911 the house became the headquarters and museum of the Centennial Chapter of the Daughters of the American Pioneers which organized in 1899 is Wood County's oldest surviving historical organization.

International Mother's Day Shrine
Grafton, West Virginia


Kenova Historical Commission
Kenova, West Virginia



Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida