Browse Museums

Billy Sunday Collection Relocated to Reneker Museum
Winona Lake, Indiana

Church, Culture, General, History, Historic House

Billy Sunday Collection Relocating To Reneker Museum: Grace College and Theological Seminary announced Thursday that the Billy Sunday Visitor's Center collection will move to a new home in the Reneker Museum of Winona History, located in Westminster Hall of Grace College.

Carnegie Hall Museum
Moores Hill, Indiana

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Library, University

Moores Hill Male and Female Collegiate Institute was founded in 1854 by John Moore in the small town of Moores Hill in southeastern Indiana. The first college building at Moores Hill, Moore Hall, was completed on December 1, 1856, although the opening day of classes for the new college were held in the unfinished building on September 9th. It was renamed Moores Hill College in 1887.

Conner Prairie
Fishers, Indiana

Children's, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Nature Centers, Park, Science

At Conner Prairie, you’ll find four themed historic areas to explore: Lenape Camp, Conner Homestead, 1836 Prairietown and 1859 Balloon Voyage. In each area "look, don’t touch" becomes "look, touch, smell, taste and hear” as you live history first-hand. Explore 200 beautiful, wooded acres and discover fun daily activities, themed days and exciting ways to experience the past with your family. Don’t miss the Animal Encounters Barn where you can get up close with your favorite farm friends!

Washington, Indiana

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Daviess County Museum is dedicated to the preservation of the nearly 200-year history of Daviess County, IN. We have a display room with numerous exhibits, an archives room with genealogies and other research tools, and a gift shop.

Decatur County Historical Museum
Greensburg, Indiana

Archaeology, Cemetery, Children's, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military

Evansville Museum of Arts, History, & Science
Evansville, Indiana

Anthropology, Art, Culture, General, History, Science

One of Southwestern Indiana's most established and significant cultural institutions, the Evansville Museum is a general museum with comprehensive collections in art, history, anthropology and science.

Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site
Rome City, Indiana

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Natural History

"The Cabin in Wildflower Woods" lies nestled on the shore of Sylvan Lake, near Rome City, Indiana. It is the former home of Gene Stratton-Porter, one of Indiana’s most widely read authors and one of the world’s first and best nature photographers. Her writing career began when her first piece was accepted by Recreation magazine for which she received $16. She wrote regularly for this publication for two years and then joined the staff of Outing, a national natural history magazine. A year later, she decided she might be able to reach a larger audience if she “sugar-coated” her nature studies with a veneer of fiction. This marked the beginning of Porter’s formula for her novels.

Gustav Jeeninga Museum of Bible & Near Eastern Studies
Anderson, Indiana

Church, Culture, History

The Museum of Bible and Near Eastern Studies at Anderson University was established in 1963 by Dr. Jeeninga. The name of the museum was changed at the retirement of Dr. Jeeninga in 1992 to reflect his nearly thirty years of teaching and work in the areas of religious studies and archaeology.

Historical Museum of The Wabash Valley
Terre Haute, Indiana

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Natural History

Housed in an 1868 Italianate mansion, the museum contains 18 rooms of historical treasures capturing the heritage of Vigo County. From the subterranean vault (home of Stiffy Green) to the third floor, intriguing exhibits abound!

Hughes Family Interest, Inc
Gary, Indiana

Culture, History

The mssion of the Langston Hughes Family Museum is to promote and preserve the family legacy of the Hughes Family.  The museum and exhibit takes you on a walk through history displaying over 150 individual family artifacts all preserved in their original state and all items used by the family of Langston Hughes dating back more than 100 plus years.

Bird's Eye View Museum of Miniatures
Wakarusa, Indiana

Culture, Specialized

Cathedral Museum
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Library, Specialized

Religious artifacts dating back to the time of Jesus Christ.

Crispus Attucks Museum
Indianapolis, Indiana

Art, Children's, Culture, General, History, Library, Specialized

Celebrating the rich history and diversity of Indianapolis' African American Community. Experience one of the Midwest's top African American Museums with a rich collection of African Art!

Daviess County Museum
Washington, Indiana

Culture, General, History, Historical Society, Library

The Daviess County Museum is dedicated to the preservation of the nearly 200-year history of Daviess County, IN. We have a display room with numerous exhibits, an archives room with genealogies and other research tools, and a gift shop.

Elkhart County Historical Museum
Bristol, Indiana

Culture, History, Historical Society, Library

Freetown Village Living History Museum
Indianapolis, Indiana

Culture, General, History, Specialized

Freetown Village has over 15 different outreach programs that teach African American history and culture. Programs tour to schools, churches, centers, libraries, and other public and private venues. Programs include interactive theater, music, storytelling, hands-on crafts or heritage workshops or other performance based programs. Programs tour statewide and are appropriate for various ages.

Goshen Historical Society
Goshen, Indiana

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Goshen Historical Society, Inc. is the owner of a permanent collection of artifacts, documents and images that pertain to the development and culture of the city of Goshen in Elkhart County, Indiana and the surrounding rural area. The Goshen Historical Society, Inc. operates its museum to preserve, study, interpret, and exhibit artifacts, documents and images. The Society provides resources for the care and display of their collection and provides related educational services for the purpose of increasing and enriching public knowledge.

Hall of Hollywood Hoosiers
Vincennes, Indiana

Culture, History, Specialized, University

The museum tells the "Star is Born" story. Someone from a small town can make it in Hollywood. Hoosiers have been a part of Hollywood history from the very beginning to today. Some are stars but most of them are mentors. A friendly face you see in many films and TV shows. Hope to promote current Hoosiers in Hollywood and to keep the memory of past Hoosiers. The museum is located in Red Skelton's hometown of Vincennes, IN. Major goal to promote his career and to bring awareness to his talents.

Hoosier Salon Gallery & Exhibit
Indianapolis, Indiana

Art, Culture

The Hoosier Salon legacy began in 1925 when the Daughters of Indiana opened the doors to the first exhibition at Marshall Fields and Company Galleries in Chicago. The high quality of art was applauded by critics and the public alike, the first exhibition included works by such notables as T.C. Steele, J. Ottis Adams and Will Vawter, and was an unqualified success.

Indiana State Museum
Indianapolis, Indiana

Culture, History, Science


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida