Browse Museums

Ahtna Heritage Foundation Museum
Glennallen, Alaska

Archaeology, Culture, General, History, Natural History, Nature Centers, Park, Specialized

Strengthening our people by preserving and promoting the Ahtna culture and supporting education.

Alaska State Museum
Juneau, Alaska

Anthropology, Art, Culture, History, Natural History

Museum Store Established in 1900, the Museum collects, exhibits, and interprets the human and natural history of Alaska. The Museum features a full-size bald eagle nesting tree and extensive ethnographic exhibits on the cultures of Alaska's Native people. Two galleries offer changing exhibits. Docent tours scheduled throughout the summer. Arboretum on grounds features Alaska plants. The Museum provides statewide museum services and assists in the development of the state's cultural and historic resources. The Museum Store, operated by the Friends of the Alaska State Museum, offers a wide array of Native arts, publications, and educational materials. Accredited by the American Association of Museums.

Crow Creek Mine
Girdwood, Alaska

Culture, General, History, Historic House

Learn how to gold pan at the creek just like the old timers did it. We show you how and provide the equipment to enjoy a day at the creek and amongst the old buildings preserved and surrounded by beautiful gardens and scenic mountains. Crow Creek Mine if for history buffs, children, gardeners and anyone who enjoys the outdoors.

Huslia Cultural Center
Huslia, Alaska


Collection of Athabascan sleds and articles of clothing made from moose skin.

K'Beq' Interpretive Site, Kenaitze Indian Tribe
Cooper Landing, Alaska

Culture, Park

Walk in the footprints of time: Kahtnu, the Kenai River, tumbling and singing its way to Tikahtnu, Cook Inlet. The whisper and caress of winds passing through the branches of esni, ch'wala, and chug'eya; cottonwood, spruce and birch trees. Thrill to the call of dalika, ggugguyni, tskislagh; grandfather eagle, raven and sparrow. Watch them soar overhead, or flit from branch to branch; your trail companions for your walk in the footprints of time.

Knik Museum
Wasilla, Alaska

Archaeology, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society

Located on the world-famous Iditarod Trail and housed in one of the two remaining buildings from Knik's original townsite, the Knik Museum features the Sled Dog Musher's Hall of Fame on the second floor. The museum building was previously used as a pool hall and roadhouse, and now contains a collection of clothing, dishes, furniture and artifacts from Knik's earlier days. Operated by the Wasilla-Knik-Willow Creek Historical Society.

Museum of the Aleutians
Unalaska, Alaska


The Museum of the Aleutians preserves and shares the cultural and artistic heritage of the Aleutian Island area. An archaeological laboratory and artifact repository supports research including annual archaeological excavations and surveys. Volunteers and students are welcome to participate in archaeological field work. Permanent exhibits focus on Aleut/Unangan prehistory and ethnographic items, the Russian-America period, the late 19th century, and WWII in the Aleutians. Changing exhibits include traveling exhibits on regional history and art. A Museum Store is one of the area's best gift shops.

Sheldon Jackson Museum
Sitka, Alaska

Anthropology, Culture, History, Historic House, Library

Dr. Sheldon Jackson, museum founder, had the distinction of serving in three pioneer fields during the late 1800s, founding Protestant missions and schools, establishing the public school system, and introducing domestic reindeer. In his travels he reached many sections of Alaska, as well as the coast of Siberia, gathering the majority of the artifacts now seen in the museum. Located on the campus of Sheldon Jackson College, the museum was established in 1888 to preserve the natural and cultural history of Alaska. The building, listed on the National Register of Historic Sites, was constructed in 1895 and is the oldest concrete building in the state. Since 1984, it has been one of the Alaska State Museums.

Sitka Historical Society Museum
Sitka, Alaska

Culture, History, Historical Society, Library, Military

The Sitka Historical Museum is a history museum in Sitka, Alaska with a focus on interpreting Sitka and Southeast Alaska’s history. Known as the only museum in Sitka that contains elements of all of Sitka’s history, the Sitka Historical Museum has exhibits, photographs, artifacts, and archives related to Sitka’s Tlingit, Russian, and American history, and particularly, the period surrounding and following Alaska’s 1867 transfer from Russia. The breadth of history interpreted makes the Museum a great first stop for travelers to orient themselves to Sitka.

The Anchorage Museum-Imaginarium Discovery Center
Anchorage, Alaska

Anthropology, Art, Children's, Culture, History, Library, Natural History, Planetarium, Science

Hands-on, inquiry-based science center for all ages. Self-explore exhibits, hourly demonstrations, workshops for groups in earth, life & physical sciences, pre-school programs, special events, birthday parties with science themes, and more. Marine touch tanks, planetarium, bubble lab, galaxy room, reptiles, Arctic ecology, physics and traveling exhibits. Science store carries books, science kits, puzzles, games and other educational products.

Alaska Museum of Natural History
Anchorage, Alaska

Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Children's, Culture, History, Natural History, Science

The non-profit Alaska Museum of Natural History fills a special need for science education in Alaska. No other organization in the state educates exclusively on Alaska's unique geological, cultural, and ecological history

Big Delta State Historical Park
Delta Junction, Alaska

Culture, History, Historic House, Park

Big Delta State Historical Park gives visitors an opportunity to take a walk back in time. The park is comprised of Rika's Roadhouse and the Big Delta State Historic District, both on the National Register of Historic Places. The historic district was an important crossroad for prospectors, travelers, traders, and the military during the early days of the 20th century. Rika's Roadhouse, the centerpiece of the park, served travelers of the historic Valdez-to-Fairbanks Trail from 1913 to 1947. Also located at the park are the Delta Historical Society Museum, the McCarty Washington to Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System (WAMCATS) station and the Alaska Road Commission (ARC) site. There are also animals and birds to help create the right ambiance for this beautiful setting.

Fairbanks Native Association
Fairbanks, Alaska

Culture, History, Library

In 1967 FNA was incorporated as a nonprofit under the laws of the State of Alaska. Membership then as it is now was open to Alaska Natives and American Indians of one-quarter blood or greater who once a year elect a nine-person board of directors. Today FNA is a powerful and influential Native American voice in Alaska. Over the years our organization has changed public policies that were discriminatory to our people and our programs have helped countless people find new jobs, maintain sobriety, celebrate their culture, and receive an education.

Ilanka Cultural Center
Cordova, Alaska

Archaeology, Culture, Library

The ICC preserves,celebrates and provides education on the cultural heritage of the indigenous people of the North Gulf Coast of Alaska. We are a repository and museum of tribal artifacts, teacher of traditional art and skills and coordinator of the Ikumat dance group. We provide a sales venue for hand crafted work from local and Alaskan artists.

Kenai Visitors & Cultural Center
Kenai, Alaska


The Kenai Visitors and Cultural Center was built in commemoration of Kenai's 200th anniversary. The facility houses all the displays and exhibits from the Ft. Kenay Museum (which is now closed), a visitor center and an audio-visual room which shows movies about Alaska. The museum features Athabascan, Aleut & Russian cultural exhibits, homesteading, mining, commercial fishing, and oil industry history displays, and a nature room with Lake Clark National Park & Preserve, Cook Inlet Basin & Kenai exhibits. Shop carries products relating to local area and whales.

Metlakatla Indian Community
Metlakatla, Alaska

Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Library, Nature Centers, Park

Home built in 1891 for Anglican Missionary William Duncan of Beverly, England. Exhibits include personal possessions, antique phonographs, furniture, telephones, Tsimshian bentwood box, ceremonial drum, book collection on Alaska territorial law, educational and religious magazines. Also, photographs of life in Metlakatla, British Columbia, on through migration to Metlakatla, Alaska, and pictorial display of history of William Duncan's life accomplishments. Guided tours available.

Northwest Arctic Heritage Center
Kotzebue, Alaska

Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Culture, History, Library, Nature Centers, Science

The National Park Service is constructing a new visitor services/administration building – the Northwest Arctic Heritage Center – in Kotzebue, Alaska. The single-story structure, located on the site formally occupied by NANA Museum of the Arctic, will be 12,350 square feet. Space includes 8,450 sq. ft. for visitor services and 3,900 sq. ft. for NPS operations. When the heritage center is complete, the NPS will be able to offer people of the region and visitors from around the world a high-quality interpretive experience, a variety of educational programs, and personal administrative services. A 90-person multipurpose room will be used for programs ranging from Junior Rangers, to research presentations, to native crafts, to native dancing.

Simon Paneak Memorial Museum
Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska

Anthropology, Archaeology, Culture, History, Library

Museum building log cabin like is situated on a rise at the edge of, and overlooking, the village of Anaktuvuk Pass. From the front porch visitors can take in the magnificent panorama of the pass the headwaters of the major rivers.

The Alaska Heritage Museum at Wells Fargo
Anchorage, Alaska

Art, Culture, General, History

With over 900 artifacts on display, the Alaska Heritage Museum is one of the largest private collections in the state. Originally assembled by the National Bank of Alaska, the collection includes items from several major Alaska Native cultures: St. Lawrence Yupik, Inupiaq, Athabascan, Alutiiq, Aleut/Unganun and Tlingit. The artifacts on display highlight cultural practices such as hunting and fishing, processing game animals, celebrating cultural activities and more.

The permanent exhibit also includes examples of traditional Native clothing, a full-size Bering Sea kayak, an outstanding collection of paintings by Alaskan artists and a 46 troy ounce gold nugget.

University of Alaska Museum of the North
Fairbanks, Alaska

Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Culture, History, Science, University

The University of Alaska Museum of the North is a thriving visitor attraction, a vital component of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the only research and teaching museum in Alaska. The museum’s research collections – 1.4 million artifacts and specimens – represent millions of years of biological diversity and thousands of years of cultural traditions in the North. The collections are organized into 10 disciplines (archaeology, birds, documentary film, earth sciences, ethnology/history, fine arts, fishes/marine invertebrates, insects, mammals, and plants) and serve as a valuable resource for research on climate change, genetics, contaminants and other issues facing Alaska and the circumpolar North.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida