Browse Museums

H. Clinton Taylor Art Gallery
Greensboro, North Carolina


University art gallery founded by H. Clinton Taylor to exhibit the works of African American artists

Health Adventure, The
Asheville, North Carolina


Hands on learning center, providing children and adults special insights into the human physical condition and related applied sciences.

Hickory Museum of Art
Hickory, North Carolina


Second oldest art museum in N.C. and the first museum in the South primarily dedicated to American art.Collection comprised of l9th and 20th century North American art with an extensive collection of American Art Pottery.

Hiddenite Center, Inc.
Hiddenite, North Carolina

Art, History

Folk and cultural arts facility which encourages preservation and presenting the traditions of this region.Housed in a three-story Victorian home.

Highlands Nature Center
Highlands, North Carolina

Nature Centers, Science

Nature Center with emphasis on Southern Appalachians bio diversity, geology and native American artifacts.

Historic Bath State Historic Site
Bath, North Carolina

Historic Carson House
Marion, North Carolina

History, Historic House

Built in 1793. Restored ca. l793 house, and now serves as a museum of history. Three of the Carson mem were members of the State Legislature, one of whom was a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and also the 1st Secretary of State of the Republic.

Historic Johnson Farm
Hendersonville, North Carolina


Late l9th century tobacco farm and early 20th century tourist retreat in southern Blue Ridge Mountains.

Horne Creek Living Historical Farm
Pinnacle, North Carolina


State Historic site dedicated to the study preservation and interpretation of N.C.'s rural heritage. Situated on site of former Hauser and Sawyers family farms.

Hamlet Senior Center
Hamlet, North Carolina


Educational museum with diverse collection of natural and cultural history from South America to the Artic. Many archaeological artifacts.

Hickory Landmarks Society
Hickory, North Carolina


Two Victorian House museums, Maple Grove and the Propst House reflect l9th century life in Catawba County.

Hickory Ridge Homestead
Boone, North Carolina

Culture, General, History, Historic House

Hickory Ridge Homestead, located on the grounds at "Horn in the West," is an eighteenth-century living history museum highlighting the daily lives of our mountain ancestors.

High Point Museum
High Point, North Carolina

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Park

Museum:Visit us and meet early entrepreneur Captain Snow as well as other distinctive High Point citizens.

Picture jazz musician John Coltrane’s hands gliding across the keys of his piano.

Drive our big yellow school bus and discover how changes in modes of transportation influenced the development of High Point.

Explore how the twin industries of hosiery and furniture have flourished while contributing to High Point’s changing identity.

Check out the Museum’s changing exhibit gallery for more in-depth topics and events related to High Point. Call for current exhibition details.

Historic Park
Step into the home of John Haley and view the lifestyles of a wealthy late 18th century household.

Historic Halifax State Historic Site
Halifax, North Carolina


Early Roanoke River port was a rallying point for patriots and their fight for freedom during the American Revolution. Guided tours through restored l8 and l9th century structures and an archaeological interpretive center.

Historic Bethabara Park
Winston-Salem, North Carolina


Historic Hope Foundation, Inc.
Windsor, North Carolina


Plantation offers unique insights into the area's late l8th century agrarian and rural domestic life. Guided tours are offered of the restored and furnished c. l803 Hope Mansion

Historic Murray's Mill
Newton, North Carolina


Collection of industrial/agrarian structures that represented a self-contained agrarian community in rural Catawba County c. l900.

House in the Horseshoe State Historic Site
Sanford, North Carolina


Historic home located within horseshoe bend of Deep River. Scene of Whig and Tory militia skirmish during the American Revolution. Plantation Home of Benjamin Williams.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida