Browse Associations

American Public Gardens Association - APGA
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The Institutional Membership is for public gardens. Enhance the image of your organization by joining more than 500 public gardens throughout North America that are members of APGA. Showing your commitment to APGA's mission, to serve and strengthen public gardens throughout North America by supporting and promoting their work, value and achievements in horticulture display, education, research, and plant conservation.

Art Museum Network
United States

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Association of Children's Museums
Arlington, Virginia

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

AAYM began in 1962 with a small group of children's museum directors who decided it would be helpful for them to meet informally as a group during the American Association of Museum's (AAM) annual meeting. Michel Spock says, "AAYM stayed informal for about a decade. We resisted turning it into a real organization. We didn't take minutes or have formal meetings. It was for directors - to discuss our common purpose and our problems and issues." Approximately ten children's museums were operating in the United States at this time.

Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Silver Spring, Maryland

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Founded in 1924, the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, now known as the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA), is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation. The American Zoo and Aquarium Association envisions a world where all people respect, value and conserve animals and nature.

Citizens for Glen Ellyn Preservation
Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Citizens for Glen Ellyn Preservation is a group of citizens who want to safeguard the distinctive character,history and architectural integrity of the Glen Ellyn community through historic preservation, planning and sensible growth. Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of the month in the Glen Ellyn Civic Center.

Family Attractions Network of Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, Virginia

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

FAN is the Family Attractions Network of Hampton Roads, Virginia. This cooperative promotional program is designed to make it easier for you, the real fans, to find and enjoy the many cultural, historical and entertainment opportunities in Hampton Roads region of Virginia.

Hampton Roads is comprised of the southeastern tip of Virginia, at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Our seven major cities include Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach.

Historic House Museums Consortium
Alexandria, Virginia

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The national capital region of Washington, D.C., northern Virginia, and suburban Maryland is home to The Historic House Museum Consortium of Metropolitan Washington D.C., a diverse collection of over 40 sites open to the public as museums and historic attractions. Ranging from the homes of three presidents to the site of an infamous presidential assassination to homes lived in by abolitionists and civil rights leaders, suffragettes and diplomats, patriots, generals, a naval hero, and founding fathers and mothers, the Historic House Consortium of Metropolitan Washington D.C., offers a wide variety of experiences.

International Foundation For Cultural Property Protection
Denver, Colorado

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The IFCPP is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the education, networking, and specialized training of security officers, supervisors, managers, and administrators working in Museums, cultural properties and public institutions. Founded in January 1999, the Foundation has both individual and institutional members from across the globe. The IFCPP offers national certification for anyone responsible for the protection of a public institution or cultural facility. IFCPP isn't just a great source for cultural property protection training and's the only source. We strive to enhance networking between members and member institutions, research on protection related issues, and placement assistance for protection professionals.

Museums and the Web LLC
Silver Spring, Maryland

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups is a collaborative space for professionals creating culture, science and heritage on-line, hosted by the Museums and the Web team. Read more: Welcome to |

Society for the Preservation of Ohio One Room Schools
West Middletown, Ohio

Local Groups, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Yearly membership dues are $2.00 which includes three newsletters that feature schools and school life of yesteryear; access to reserach lists that provide all that is currently known about a building; and an open invitation to presentations given to area historical societies and groups. A video, pictures, early school items, and displays enhance the program. Aside from early schools, S.P.O.O.R.S. also does research in the following areas: covered bridges, early mills, log structures, poloygonal barns, train depots, Ancient Indian sites, Daniel Boone sites, Simon Kenton sites, Simon Girty sites, local history, and family genealogy. Write for price and availability of research lists on all areas listed above.

American Recreation Coalition
Washington, District of Columbia

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

AMERICAN RECREATION COALITION (ARC)is a Washington-based non-profit organization formed in 1979. Since its inception, ARC has sought to catalyze public/private partnerships to enhance and protect outdoor recreational opportunities and the resources upon which such experiences are based. ARC conducts research on a regular basis, organizes and conducts national conferences and meetings and disseminates information through a variety of newsletters, columns and other media regarding recreational needs and initiatives. ARC also monitors legislative and regulatory proposals that influence recreation and works with government agencies and the U.S. Congress to study public policy issues that will shape future recreational opportunities.

Association of African American Museums
Wilberforce, Ohio

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The Association of African American Museums (AAAM) is a non-profit member organization established to support African and African American focus museums nationally and internationally, as well as the professionals who protect, preserve and interpret African and African American art, history and culture.

Association of Science-Technology Centers
Washington, District of Columbia

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Science centers connect people with science. Science centers give science a presence in the community and offer people of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to ask questions, discuss, and explore. Visit a science center, and you’ll encounter hands-on exhibits like giant levers, wave tanks, and walk-in kaleidoscopes. While you are there, you may go to a demonstration, watch a skyshow or big-screen film, participate in a workshop, or even take part in a debate about a current issue like bioethics. In the process, you’ll experience the pleasure of lifelong learning, whether with family, friends, or on your own. At science centers, everyone is welcome.

California Association of Museums
Santa Cruz, California

State Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

CAM is a professional and dynamic community of individuals and organizations that seeks to create a brighter future for museums and their communities. We connect museum professionals and volunteers with timely information and practical resources, which fosters museums that are relevant and effective organizations that make a positive impact on our state and its citizens.

Coalition of State Museum Associations
Fort Worth, Texas

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

We are the only national entity whose priority is to serve the needs and aspirations of state museum associations.

Fire Museum Network
Slinger, Wisconsin

Regional Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The Fire Museum Network is a nonprofit entity which provides a means for networking among fire museums and promotes the interests of those dedicated to collecting, preserving, and interpreting the artifacts, history, and traditions of the fire service.

There are over 200 fire museums in the United States and Canada - ranging from a spare room in the firehouse basement, to ones with warehouse-like proportions. The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) saw the need to link these diverse institutions together and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas.

International Committee for Museums of Ethnography
Miami, Florida

Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

ICME deals with museums of many names: museums of ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, folk museums, popular culture museums, völkerkunde- and volkskundemuseseums. The list could be longer. Some of the museums are dealing with cultures from far away, some with their own cultures, and some both. Some work for indigenous peoples, some for immigrants, some for minorities, some for for majorities. Some are concerned with the history, others with the present. Some focus on small societies, others on continents or the whole world. What these museums usually have in common is that they are about whole societies or cultures and their objects, rather than solely a specific class of objects.

Museum Store Association
Washington, District of Columbia

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

Founded in 1955, MSA is a nonprofit, international association organized to advance the success of cultural commerce and of the professionals engaged in it. By encouraging high standards of professional competence and conduct, MSA helps retail professionals at cultural institutions better serve their organizations and the public.

Public Lands Alliance
Washington, District of Columbia

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

The Public Lands Alliance has worked to foster and advance its members, the nonprofit partners of America's public lands, since 1977. We are a unified, powerful community dedicated to the preservation, enrichment and enjoyment of America's most treasured places.

Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM)
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

National Associations, Consortiums, Alliances and other Support Groups

is an international organization which is dedicated by its constitution to: "promote interest in old mills and other Americana now quickly passing from the present scene. It reports to its members through a quarterly magazine, "Old Mill News" or OMN. This society will help in any way it can in the preservation or rebuilding of such structures. It also will honor those individuals whose works and ideas made these mill possible. It will report to the membership, and to the public, through a periodical with pictures and comments. It will keep files and maintain a library on mills and related subects and will try to keep abreast of changes and happending. It will act as a clearing house on this mill information among all those interested.


Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



03/12 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

03/12 Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Naples, Florida

03/10 The Sherman Museum

Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida