Museums in:

Oroville, California

Bolt's Antique Tool Museum
Oroville, California

General, History, Historic House, Specialized

The Bolt's Antique Tool Museum celebrates the tools that built our world. It is the largest known documented collection of hand tools. It began in 1957 when Carl “Bud” Bolt was a representative of Snap-On Tools. He needed some old tools to show how his new tools were superior to the old ones. Thus began Bud’s life-long fascination with old tools. Although he vowed to stop collecting when he reached 1,000 pieces, the collection now numbers over 8,400 pieces. Each is meticulously cataloged and referenced with research ongoing, fulfilling Bud’s dream of having a collection that will be enjoyed and studied by tool aficionados, scholars, and students from around the world.

Butte County Historical Society Museum & Archives
Oroville, California

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Our forte is research materials on all aspects of the rich history of our County. The museum reflects interesting aspects of County history from gold mining, construction of Oroville Dam, filming of the movie Robin Hood and the life of Erle Stanley Gardner.

C. F. Lott Home in Sank Park
Oroville, California

General, History, Historic House

A Victorian revival style structure, the C.F. Lott Home was built in 1856 by “Judge” Lott, a gold-rush pioneer who helped form California’s government and started the first Citrus Exchange in California. Although now over 150 years old, only two generations have lived in this house. Much of the original furnishings are on display to help tell the story of how the well-to-do lived “out west.” The collection includes antique furnishings, paintings, rugs, textiles, clothes, silver, and glassware from the period 1849-1910. A tour of the house reveals stories of the Lott family and their importance to early California (the Judge was also a State Senator). It also retells his daughter, Cornelia’s, love story with Jesse Sank and their eventual happiness.

Feather River Hatchery
Oroville, California


Feather River Hatchery in Oroville, CA is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.

Lake Oroville Visitor Center
Oroville, California

Natural History

Natural and cultural history

Oroville Chinese Temple
Oroville, California

Church, Culture, History

California's largest intact gold rush period Chinese Temple. The complex includes the original "Temple of Many Deities," a Confucianism Temple, a Buddhist Temple, the community Council Room, and two modern buildings, the display hall housing artifacts of the temple, and a replica of the Fong Lee Store with the store’s original furnishings. Between the display hall and the original buildings is a courtyard with many plants from China, and a traditional fish pond. The temples are still occasionally used for worship.

EHMANN HOME - BCHS Headquarters
Oroville, California

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society

The Ehmann Home was built in 1911 by Edwin Ehmann in the Craftsman Bungalow style. The architect was John Morton of Chico. Today it is the only surviving reminder of the once grand Ehmann Olive Company presence in Butte County. The story of the Ehmann home begins with Freda Ehmann and her olives. She is considered the "mother" of the modern olive canning industry. Her olive curing business began with her desperate effort to develop a market for the olives from her 20-acre orchard. Until this time, olives had been grown primarily for oil; olive curing and canning had not been reliably successful. Through experimentation and stringent quality control, she developed a reliable curing system.

Feather River Nature Center & Native Plant Park
Oroville, California

Botanical Garden, Children's, Natural History, Nature Centers, Park, Science

The bank of the Feather River below the Bath House was once the site of a Maidu fishing village. The river provided a bountiful supply of giant Chinook salmon and acorns were harvested from the groves of Blue Oaks. Gold was discovered in the Feather River in 1849 bringing a tent city of fortune hunters virtually overnight. The gold soon ran out and the miners left as quickly as they had appeared.

Oregon City, California

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Oregon City School District was an 1858 split-off from the original Oregon Township District established in 1853 in the Messilla Valley. For a few years it was called the Franklin District until 1861 when the Cherokee District was split off and Oregon City District acquired the name we know today. The district was then annexed to the Cherokee District in 1923 as the population center shifted. More recently both areas became a part of the Golden Feather Union School District with an office at Concow. The Oregon City School was acquired by the Society in 1983.

Pioneer History Museum
Oroville, California

Archaeology, Children's, Culture, General, History, Historic House

The collection concentrates on items illustrating the pioneers’ life up to the late 1920s It includes such diverse items such as; Antique pianos, the original Oregon City School organ, a grand old clock from Bidwell Bar, gambler’s items, dolls (including a doll from the Donner Party), a miner's vest tailored to hold different size nuggets, and even a handmade gold needle.

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Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



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Boca Raton, Florida

03/12 Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

Clewiston, Florida

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Naples, Florida

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Sherman, Texas

Museum Associations

03/05 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida